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This post is more than 5 years old



December 4th, 2006 01:00

McAfee removal after system restore

here's my problem. 1. I originally had installed the McAfee Security system on my computer. When that free trial ran out, I opted to go for the CA Internet Security Suite (with firewall, spam, virus, etc). 2.Before I could down load the CA suite I had to uninstall all of the McAfee software. 3.Done. I uninstalled McAfee. 4.I installed CA internet security. 5.A week later my computer started doing funny things - like, I could no longer print to my network printer (I assume because of the high security level reset) My computer started freezing with an error message. I tried to lower the security level but still could not print. 6.So I did a system restore to the day before I installed the new security suite. 7. Here's my issue. Since I uninstalled the McAfee already, there is no software there. But, since I did a system restore my computer thinks mcAfee is still on there. I cannot go further with any security install until I get McAfee completely off my computer. But my computer says there is information missing so i can't get it off. VICIOUS CIRCLE! Can anyone offer any advice?

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

December 4th, 2006 01:00

Go to Mcafee site and look for their removal tool. You may have to download and install mcafee (free 30-day trial) and then use their tools to remove it.


311 Posts

December 4th, 2006 14:00


If this is your first time using regedit, it's a very good idea to make a backup of the registry and save any important data before getting started. This MSKB article has instructions on how to do that:

429 Posts

December 4th, 2006 14:00

Another option as I just did with my desktop.  Recently, I switched from Comcast (they give you McAfee for free) to Verizon FiOS.  I no longer had I purchased Trend Micro PC-cillin Internet Security 2007. 
To uninstall McAfee...I did the typical uninstall from Control panel.  THEN...I cleaned my registry.  You can do this if you are comfortable.
Go to start / run...and type REGEDIT.  Your registry editor comes up.  Search for all instances of McAfee.  Delete the first one...hit F3 and the next comes up...delete...F3 again...and so on.  All references to McAfee were deleted from the registry.  I closed and rebooted...then installed TM IS 2007...all is nice and clean and runs like a dream.
That is an option if you are comfortable editing your registry...

414 Posts

December 4th, 2006 17:00

This is what you want, it is safe, effective and does not cause problems. It requires almost no skill and more to the point it gets rid of McAfee:

The Dell Decrapifier at

549 Posts

December 4th, 2006 19:00

i went to the site you posted and it does not list Mcafee
on the list of programs that it gets rid of. It does list Norton

414 Posts

December 5th, 2006 19:00

"It doesn't get rid of McAfee products."

That's strange, it did when I ran it on my 6400 (same as US 1505) a couple of months ago and it worked for a forum member last week who couldn't get rid of parts of McAfee left behind after an unsuccessful uninstall.

Also, the site has a letter from some chap who comments that it removed McAfee.

Have you downloaded anything and opened it/them up and had a look around? or did you just look at the site? Download it, there were two files when I downloaded it but it looks as if there might be only one file now. If there are 2 files, you need them both.

I agree that it is not as user friendly as it should be and the directions to use the Decrapifier are well hidden. I gave the URL for the background.

The file(s) is/are quite safe to open; you have to make the decisions as to what you want to remove - it's not one of those files that go off by themselves.

Here's the URL to the download site:

Message Edited by Delierious on 12-05-200603:27 PM

2 Posts

December 5th, 2006 23:00

Awesome.  The registry clean up worked. 
Well, worked about 75%.  I was able to get McAfee completely off of my computer.  I've got the CA Security Suite installed on my computer. 
...But.....the saga continues
For some reason, it won't download the "anti-virus" aspect of the suite. 
Every time I try to install, it says there is conflicting software on my computer.  And an error message comes up.
I have done a general search of my documents - no anti-virus software
I've done a search through my registry - no anti-virus software.
any suggestions???

549 Posts

December 5th, 2006 23:00

Did you check Program files on C Drive
No Events found!
