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This post is more than 5 years old


January 14th, 2007 14:00

Microsofts .NET Framework 2.0 ?

​ I purchased a piece of hardware that one of the requirements was that I have 2.0 .Net Frame work installled? After I downloaded the app to my PC ,can I assume that its installed ,or do I need to find the folder that the download is located in and and install it from a .exe Also iam curious what is the NET Framework exactly for ,most come with version 1.1 installed by default ,whay would a app need the ver2.0 to run ? If you have any ?'s you need answered to help me on this feel free to ask ! As usual any help I recieve Iam deeply grateful for ! ​
​ Sincerely ,Nick ​

4.4K Posts

January 14th, 2007 16:00

.NET Framework is a software development platform (analogous to eg. Visual basic) used by some apps (in your case presumably some software that came with the hardware). .NET framework 2 contains additional commands not available in .NET Framework 1.1 that your app presumably uses.  2 is not strictly speaking an update on .NET Frameworlk 1.1, as some commands in 1.1 were dropped, so apps designed to run under 1.1 may not run under 2. However both 2 and 1.1 can be installed side by side on the same PC, so it is useful to have both. There is in fact a later version 3.0 also available, but again it may not be backwad compatible with 2, so since your app wants 2 get that from
When you download and save to a suitable folder on your hard drive the .exe file of .NET Framework 2, double click on it to install .NET Framework 2. Then go to Windows update to get the two security updates for it.

Message Edited by JRosenfeld on 01-14-200706:36 PM

Message Edited by JRosenfeld on 01-14-200706:36 PM

Message Edited by JRosenfeld on 01-14-200706:40 PM

373 Posts

January 15th, 2007 13:00

     Thank you for your reply ,you gave me some information I was not aware of and perhaps saved me from doing a no,no like deleting .Net Framework 1.1 ! I guess you may be interested in exactly what it is I need the 2.0 version for ,I purchased a LCD display screen thats USB ,and must be self powered ,so the use of a hub thats self powered is required ,I already had one of those .The product that retails for aprx $50 is called the "Pertelian X2040" Iam a gadget freak and when I came accrosss an advertisement for it , I went ahead and ordered it ,the hardware comes with a software package that provides the needed plugins so that the screen which has backlighting you can turn on or off scrools thru differant information ,forinstance it has a wheather display ,another plugin that displays PC information /stats ,sports latest scores for NHL,NBA,NFL& MLB ! So far I have only been able to configure the wheather screen and the PC performance stats screen ,Iam not a programnmer and do not apprently have enough knowledge to easily work with these plugins .However there is a read me file a electronic manual included in the software ,I need to read the entire 65 pages and then Iam sure I will get more use out of this very interesting gadget ! I think :-)
    Thanks Again
                             Gumba Nick    
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