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This post is more than 5 years old


October 23rd, 2008 14:00

Multimedia Audio Controller

I have a Dell 4500 Dimension, which I purchased in 2002, I need to replace the Multimedia Audio Controller.  Have no sound, done the Dell Diagnosic test, sound comes thru speakers, but can not play music on CD-rom or hear music thru videos on computer....what do I need to correct this problem?  I understand I can download to my computer a driver. Please help me.


2.6K Posts

October 23rd, 2008 15:00

EDIT:  Oops - Fireberd beat me to it.
Message Edited by Alexandra_P on 10-23-2008 09:42 AM

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

October 23rd, 2008 15:00

The Multimedia Audio Controller is part of your PC's sound system.  This is also usually associated with the Integrated (on the motherboard) sound and are installed when you install the sound drivers. 


If you do have the Integrated audio, HERE is the Dell drivers.  Depending on what has been done to the PC, e.g. if there was a complete install you may also need the Intel Chipset Drivers, HERE   The chipset drivers setup the Intel motherboard chipset and define what is on or attached to the motherboard. 


If you have a different, separate, sound card, you will have to find out what sound card you have in order to download the correct drivers, as Dell had two other sound card options, a SoundBlaster and a Turtle Beach (Voyetra).  Other drivers HERE


But, regardless of which sound you have, you MUST use Dell drivers because of their custom sound cards.


For future reference, with a complete reinstall the install sequence is (1) Install Windows (2) install chipset drivers (3) Install device drivers (e.g. sound, video, etc).

4 Posts

October 23rd, 2008 15:00

you need to check if you have the integrated sound card or a seprate sound card is installed in your system. As you explained that you get sound from the speakers but not while you play any video, so try updating the codec pack from this link 

Download and install the one which says "Download [ K-Lite Codec Pack 4.2.5 Basic ]". Follow the prompts and restart the system. IT SHOULD FIX....

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

October 23rd, 2008 19:00

That's OK, maybe yours would have added to what I posted?  :smileyhappy:

2.6K Posts

October 23rd, 2008 21:00

Not hardly :smileyvery-happy: .


Actually it leads to an interesting question - do Dell Diagnostics work with Dell-installed PCI sound cards?  I didn't think so, but I really don't know.  But I better not hijack any more of Suzy's thread :) .

Message Edited by Alexandra_P on 10-23-2008 03:05 PM
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