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This post is more than 5 years old



July 2nd, 2007 22:00

Playing games sent via e mail

​ I am a new user and admit I am not all that hot with technical issues on the computer so I apologise in advance if this seems dull! ​
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​ I have recently received a series of games such as Tetris, Pacman etc from a friend sent as e mail attachments - they are either pps or xls files. I have downloaded power point viewer and excel viewer. However when I try and open the attachments in Outlook Express it refuses saying that I do not have an associated programme! In my internet web address (yahoo browser) I can open the attachments but when I do I can only get to the first page of the game. It seems they are not interactive and as such I can't play the game. As soon as I hit a key in pps it goes straight to "end slide show"! In xls I again don't seem to have any interactive functions! It's just a basic spreadsheet with the picture that's the first page of the game but I can't het the start playing button or anything! ​
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​ I know that it's not a problem with the e mail attachments themself cos I forwarded the email to my office e mail and the games work fine when I open them on my works computer. ​
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​ Is there any other software I need to download to play the games on my home computer? ​

12K Posts

July 3rd, 2007 03:00

To associate any file type, download the file to a directory locaiton you can remember, such as C:\Temp, right clikc the file and find the "Open With" and then point to the program needed.
In your case, you may need the full blown program.
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