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This post is more than 5 years old


January 3rd, 2005 15:00

Print Shop 20

We have The Print Shop 20 installed on our computer and had no problems until we upgraded from Windows ME to XP.  Since upgrading to XP, whenever I try to open the Print Shop 20, the computer restarts and this message appears:
Error Message: STOP 0x000000EA THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER (Q293078)
It says that the error is caused by graphics device driver. 
When I try to repair or uninstall the Print Shop 20, I get the same error message as above.
We have a NVIDIA Graphic Card which I updated.
Can anyone help?

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

January 3rd, 2005 17:00

PS20, which I recently installed on my XP system, is XP compatible.  When you did the "upgrade"  I assume you just upgraded ME to XP, not a clean install (which would have been preferred).

However, what did the Windows XP Upgrade Advisor flag?  The Upgrade Advisor is the first thing that runs on the upgrade and will flag any hardware or software issues and any software that needs to be uninstalled (incompatible) or that needs to be uninstalled and then reinstalled after the upgrade.  Although as mentioned the "clean" install is preferred, I've done several upgrades and preparing the PC for the upgrade and doing exactly what the Upgrade Advisor notes is extremely important for successful and problem free upgrades.

Have tried to do an install, instead of repair of PS20?  If that won't work you may be looking at manually removing it and then doing a new install (either that or backing out of XP and going back to ME and then uninstalling PS20 before you do the upgrade).  Anything you do will be a hassle, but it may have to be done.

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