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This post is more than 5 years old


October 27th, 2009 09:00

When will Dell start shipping Windows 7 upgrade discs?


Please could someone from Dell tell us when they will be shipping the Windows 7 upgrade discs to those who have registered for and ordered the upgrade?

Like many others, I have registered, ordered and paid for my 'free' upgrade but my order status is blank with no indication of a shipping date. I don't want to give Customer Services a hard time but it really would seem sensible if Dell updated the Win7 FAQ with projected shipping dates.

Thanks for your time


1 Message

January 15th, 2010 09:00

Thankyou to those of you that replied to my first post when I vented my frustrations about waiting for three months for the elusive Windows 7 Upgrade disc ...... and still waiting!

My 1st post got deleted by the moderators of this forum ...... Apologies for likening my mental state to "peas that had gone well passed their sell by date" ...... if you get my drift.

No change on the availability upgrade disc though !

Come on Dell Service where are when we need you!

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