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This post is more than 5 years old


December 28th, 2006 02:00

Windows installed to E drive instead of C

  I have a Dell Dimension 8300 with 1 gig RAM and had a hard drive failing.  I just installed a new hard drive (Maxtor 200 gig) and that went ok and the whole 200 gig showed up in the BIOS, but when I installed windows xp to the new drive and it installed fine except that it assigned the partition as E instead of C.  I have a zip drive in the system and seem to remember that when a previous hard drive failed and Dell (when it was still under warranty) came to install a new drive (the one that just failed) it installed Windows to E then too and the tech said it was due to the zip drive.
  How can I change it to reassign to C instead of E? (I can't get on the internet on that computer yet due to that and I know it will create other problems if I leave it as E) (I'm using my laptop to write this and the Dimension is in the other room).
 Do I have to uninstall windows and reinstall and if so how do I make sure it installs to C this time?  If I don't have to uninstall and reinstall how can I reassign it to C?  Windows created an E partition when it was installing.  Is that permanent ?
 Help :)
 Thanks in advance!
Helen B

28K Posts

December 28th, 2006 02:00

You cannot change the drive letter from E: to C:  The only way to get it to designate the boot drive as the C: drive is to remove the Zip drive temporarily and reformat and reinstall Windows on the hard drive.  Once installed, it will be the C: drive and you can then re-enable the Zip drive.
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