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6 Posts


December 30th, 2022 07:00

XPS 8940, also random freezing

I've been having the same freezing issue that so many other have had with this frustrating XPS 8940. Since I can't reply to the other thread, I'm starting this one to add my two cents.

Problem: video freezes when idle (mostly) and rarely when using the computer.

This computer is on 24/7 and freezes randomly, but reliably, several times a week. Computer has to be shut down to resolve issue.


XPS 8940, Intel i7-118700K, 32GB, 1TB NVMe, Nvidia RTX 3070


Things I've tried:

- installing a fresh Windows 10 on a completely different drive (SSD) - didn't help.

- downgrading BIOS to 2.3 (this seems to have helped but not 100%)

- changed video card (tried a GTX1070, GTX 970). Didn't help.

- disabled turbo boost in BIOS. Didn't help.

- Removed graphics card and run with on-board video. Does NOT freeze without a graphics card. Obviously, this is not a solution for a high-end PC.

This problem has been happening since new and this product is now out of warranty so, of course, Dell won't support it. I tried going through support a couple times while it was in warranty but didn't have the time to spend hours and hours, days, weeks going through support with Dell as this system belongs to a client. I finally happened upon the forum thread below and see that this is quite a common issue. My experience with Dell in the past as been good, but the support now is terrible. Making users spend endless hours going thru troubleshooting steps is completely unacceptable. Definitely not buying or recommending Dell to my clients anymore. I've almost lost a client for the amount of time I've wasted on this system. Ultimately, I built the client a new computer and have taken the Dell computer home for troubleshooting when I have time.

1 Rookie


85 Posts

December 30th, 2022 09:00

If you've read the other threads then you know there is no definitive solution for this problem.  My XPS8940, purchased in 2021, does not fortunately have this freezing problem, using an Nvidia RTX 2060 Super and i7-11700, latest BIOS v2.10.0, mobo is 0K3CM7, running Win10Home.   If it were me I would have asked Dell to replace until this was no longer a problem or for a refund.  

6 Posts

December 30th, 2022 09:00

Yes, but not everyone has the time and patience to jump through the hoops to get meaningful support. End-users often spend hours troubleshooting first, only to then have to jump through all sorts of hoops with Dell in the hopes that Dell MIGHT be supportive. Dell ran their diagnostics twice on this system and were very dismissive when it came up with no errors or problems found. I didn't have the time or patience to push further as this system wasn't in my possession (client). You can expect how frustrating it is when there is an obvious problem and the manufacturer simply says "our diagnostics don't show any problems".

1 Rookie


85 Posts

December 30th, 2022 11:00

I don't disagree that sellers will often deny and dismiss consumer complaints. I would say my dealings with Dell Support for my XPS 8940 have been mostly favorable, and I have used Dell Latitude laptops extensively in my work and found them very reliable, so it is disconcerting to read about these XPS 8940 issues (especially this common thread regarding the system freezing)  and the lack of Dell's response to make it right, no matter what. These are expensive boxes, and the consumer deserves Dell's robust attention to customer satisfaction.  

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

December 30th, 2022 12:00

@julesme, you are part of the 'lock up' club. @ishmael is not, for some unknown reason his 8940 does not have the same problem as many others.

There are 2 root causes it seems. BIOS V2.4.0 and later versions, and any Nvidia discrete card installed.

Going back to BIOS V2.3.0 was at one time a 'cure' (that is you didn't lock up, but overtime, lose many updates and most were security ones). However, parts of the BIOS code could not be updates (Intel Management Engine (which I assume was the prime reason for it not always curing the problem).

I don't think this is a Dell problem per se. If you don't have an Nvidia card you would not have the problem. No user with the other discrete cards offered (AMD's cards) that have similar capabilities have reported the problem.

What all of us have hit is the Support agent's responses, and the first is probably from a script when someone reports, what looks like to them at least, a s/w problem. Isolate the cause... Safe Mode, Re-install the OS, etc. It of course will not fix this specific problem.

Other problem, Dell can't recreate it it appears. Not all Nvidia users, like @ishmael have the problem either? Speculation was on the motherboard, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

A Linux user (at least I know of one) has the same problem, therefore it can't be Windows itself related.

So it would appear to be either h/w or timing that is the issue.

Again, this begs the question of what was changed in BIOS V2.4.0 code? BIOS code is written usually by the board vendor, and Dell I understand used 2 for the 8940. Initial 8940's shipped with the 10th Gen Intel by the way, maybe those with the 10th Gen are not seeing the problem? I believe only those with 11th Gen have reported the problem, but I have no way of know if true or how many 8940 with Nvidia cards have been sold and how many of those have a problem.

Quick solution, get an AMD card. Dell WILL NOT swap out the Nvidia for an AMD though. I've been told by more than one Dell employee this can't be done.

Buying an AMD card will solve the problem, small cost I guess vs. a new PC. That said, on BIOS V2.10.0 I've had some long periods of no lock ups, not hours or days, weeks and even over a month. More indication to me this could be a timing issue and changes in s/w can change timings on some operations.

6 Posts

December 30th, 2022 16:00

Very much appreciate the replies and support here. Sad that Dell cannot even come close to even this level of support. As I mentioned, the computer is now being used as my personal computer and I can deal with the issue myself and not have my client suffer the defective unit any longer. As likely with many of you, I've invested many hours of my personal time troubleshooting this and it has left a real blight on my relationship and impression of Dell. There was a time when I used to recommend Dell as they seemed to have made alot of progress in fixing their reputation for poor support - it seems they've returned to a low level of support.

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

December 31st, 2022 05:00


I don't know if they have degraded Support or not? I've had XPS's and even Dimensions over the last 20+ years. At one time XPS Support was IN the US even and a special access to it. However, having recently XPS 8500, 8700, and an 8940, only had 2 warranty instances on them. The Nvidia lock up on the 8940 and on the 8700 the DVD player got destroyed. It worked fine reading DVD/CD's but the first DVD I tried to burn it destroyed itself??? Replaced immediately without a hassle.

The 8940, common debug for us all, but no fails that produce data... Fixing something with out knowing where to look is hard, especially if you can't recreate it?

I was put through the normal replace/re-install cycle, but after that was done, they did swap out my video card and motherboard, with it still happening, so another swap to and older motherboard... and that included the 3rd party doing the work. It cost Dell resources to do it, including the mailing of the parts to the 3rd party. After that, the exchange offer. If I had been within the 30 days of purchase I could have returned the XPS for a NEW one I was told as well.

So I can't say they Support is any worse or better than before? I do fault them as not being OPEN here and posting about the problem and what they are doing to resolve the long running problem.

By the way, it seems from the forum the 8930's have a serious BIOS problem with the latest version. I'd say this is a development problem, and possibly with a sub-vendor. I can't blame that on Support either. Maybe Dell's QA and/or Beta Testing/System Test, but not Support.

Also, Lenova has a similar problem with Nvidia cards. and eventually they had a 'fix' but that didn't solve the problem on 8940's. 25 pages of it from Mar. 2021 on that link, and still active... as it keeps happening to people.

7 Posts

December 31st, 2022 09:00

I have been having the same issue with my 8490.  I have been working with Dell for months and there has not been a resolution.  My 8490 is still under warranty, but now looking at these other posts it seems maybe they are just trying to keep making fixes that don't fix anything until the warranty expires.  I am very frustrated and have been a Dell customer for many years.

1 Rookie


85 Posts

December 31st, 2022 11:00

Hi Irv,

So, has that been confirmed by various users then that by replacing the Nvidia card with an AMD one that that stops these freeze issues?   (How about if you replace the card with another manufacturer besides AMD?)  If this is the common solution I don't understand why Dell would not be willing to swap the card. 

Seems like there was one person on here who reported having bought two XPS 8940s, configured identically I think, but only one had the freeze problem. 


4 Operator


1.8K Posts

December 31st, 2022 14:00


No, not confirmed by Dell at least.

One can draw that conclusion very easily though, by this data:

  • Using the HD750 Intel built-in adapter one has no problem.
  • No 8940 user with an AMD Dell supplied video card has reported the problem.

I do not know of anyone though that had pulled the Dell supplied Nvidia card and used another vendor's card. I suspect (at least for me) the cost could be high for a similar card, and one would expect Dell to correct the problem.

I was told by Dell Support they can only swap the same card you have. So that I think tied Support's hands. It would take someone higher up to make that call.

Now think of what it means to Dell to do that? Forgetting not doing it and the cost of user resentment and possibly/probably lost business for the minute, what is the exposure in number of cards needing to be replaced.

Yes, there was one person who reported 2 'identical' 8940's purchased... and one had the problem and the other did not. He did share the configurations and they seemed to match. He did do one thing, both came with 2x8GB DIMMs. He took the 2 out of one and put it into the other one, and bought 2x16GB DIMMs for that one that it was removed from. Supposedly the one with the 4x8GB DIMMs is the one that did NOT lock up as I recall? Can't find that thread exactly now... but that was the basic info provided. That user has since not replied to requests for info, from at least 2 people.

One other problem of doing a total recall, not everyone with an Nvidia card claims to have the problem? I would think Dell knows who ordered the 8940's with Nvidia cards so they have an idea of the cost. Also, what can they do with used video cards? Don't forget, these cards are in 8930's and 8950's. No problems it seems exist in those XPS's? If I were Dell I would 'assume' that the problem IS not the video card itself. However, there is no word from Dell what they are doing or even if they are doing anything?

I sort of understand their position, but I surely don't like it. I guess to some extent Cost overrides Customer Satisfaction. I also think I'd be more 'satisfied' if I knew what Dell knows and what actions they are taking? I sort of feel they are not doing much and hope that future code changes by someone (BIOS maker, Nvidia, or some application) will fix the problem.

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

December 31st, 2022 14:00

Oh, I should also mention just TODAY I hit a lock up, after more than 2 weeks of none:



I have gone longer in the past on BIOS V2.10.0 before though.

Annoying to say the least.



6 Posts

December 31st, 2022 15:00

I have tried 3 different video cards. GTX 1070, GTX 970 and the one the system came with, RTX3070. I do wonder if having graphics card with not extra power cable would help, but that doesn't make much sense given the problem tends to happen when the computer is idle.

7 Posts

January 7th, 2023 10:00

Dell replaced the motherboard on my 8940 on 1/5/23, it has not had any issues since the motherboard replacement.  They also replaced the M2 drive.  I will let you know how it goes.

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

January 7th, 2023 16:00


You never mentioned what video card you have?

Is it an Nvidia?

On the new motherboard, what is the BIOS version?

7 Posts

January 8th, 2023 14:00

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti

Bios 2.10.0



4 Operator


1.8K Posts

January 8th, 2023 15:00

Good to know.

That is the latest BIOS on the Motherboard too, so it was probably built recently.

With the BIOS version I can go over a month without a lock up or as low as 2 days. Don't know why?

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