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January 5th, 2022 04:00

Battery not charging after updating to W11


Setup: Dell XPS 9500 (2020) laptop

In mid-December I got a chance to upgrade to W11 from W10. I did it. About a week or so everything was running smooth.

Then one day after a few hours of using my computer I noticed that the battery was running low. I was like "whaaat" , checked the power cable and everything: everything was connected properly.

Then I thought "Okay, these things can happen". So I just restarted my computer but the issue remained.

As I normally use my laptop through Dell's docking station I looked for the original charger that came with the laptop to test whether that worked. It also did not.

I then opened Device Manager and uninstalled everything I had there under Battery Section (Microsoft AC Adapter and Microsoft Surface ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery).

Then I shut down the computer, removed the power cable and waited fora few seconds. Then plugged the power cable back and turned on the computer. The computer automatically reinstalled the battery drivers upon reboot. This fixed the problem and I was happy again. But not for long.

The next day (after another shut down) the problem was back. And the only way I knew to solve it was to uninstall the battery drivers again, shut down the computer, remove the power cable and then turn it back on.

Furthermore, upon some reboots the next day (after I close the computer for the night having already reinstalled the drivers) the computer acts weird. It boots to the lock screen but then as it gets there, it automatically restarts the computer. Sometimes once, sometimes twice. After that it finally gets to the lockscreen and let's me to log in. And yes, the battery is not charging...

Now I have been doing this driver uninstall-reinstall "trick" for almost 2 weeks. And it is super annoying.

I thought of reverting back to W10 until this problem is fixed but I am unable to do so, at least in an official way. Because I could have only reverted back to W10 within the first 10 days of having W11. That time is passed.

I assume some W11 patch or the drivers are faulty..or there is some mismatch between them. Not an expert, just assumptions.

Does any of you have any suggestions what could fix my problems?

Update: I also posted this on Microsoft forums and a volunteer moderator replied that this is Dell's not Microsoft's issue.

Thank you very much!


All the best,


6 Professor


7.6K Posts

April 12th, 2022 10:00

Hi @AlmostPro,

Does the audio get any better if you use the equalizer in Windows Media Player?

39 Posts

April 13th, 2022 03:00

That's a negatory. Also the sound crackles a bit sometimes. But as I said, it is a small price to pay because I hardly use the internal speakers. And with the restart/no charging issue gone (at least for now) I can finally enjoy using the computer.

With external speakers/headphones the sound is crystal clear. I will just wait for a newer version of Realtek's driver, the previous one, I believe, was already realeased in November 2021.

6 Professor


7.6K Posts

April 13th, 2022 10:00

Good to hear at least external speakers and headphones are working good.

1 Message

June 27th, 2022 00:00

Firstly, I honestly sorry for my English. I just want to share my workaround for you all. Below this is some steps I did:
(I also upgraded Windows 11 from 10 and may be this caused the same problems like you all)

1. Remove battery.
2. Remove CMOS out of mainboard.
Video How-To-Remove CMOS:

3. Press and hold Fn key + power key for 20 seconds to release all power out.
4. Leave off computer about 10 minutes.
5. Plug in AC adapter (without battery and CMOS).
6. Try turn on computer and wait for a while (it might take a few longer than normal).
7. When computer finished start up. Go on Dell website ( to search some necessary drivers by searching key words for every single time: "bios", "UHD graphic", "realtek".
8. On installation, some driver might require battery on, then you simply leave it there (just download it but not install) and continue with others. After installed all (exclude ones which need battery on), turn off computer, reassemble battery and CMOS.
9. Try turn on computer and wait for a while (it might take a few longer than normal).
10. Continuously install some remain drivers at step 8 above.
Then, these work for my case.

Hoping you all solve this issues like mine. Thanks in advance for someone who want to help me write better English for this content.

(More over, you some times let Dell automatically online scanning your computer for suggesting some other updates needed.)


June 28th, 2022 21:00

XPS playing up, not recognizing battery adapter. Bought 2 new from Dell. Worked once then stopped, & again not recognized on 4 ports. Did Windows restart from scratch. Worked - left on charge overnight and this morning not recognised again.  Depserately trying to repair, ran out of juiice but somehow connected to Dell cloud repair & started charging again from 0% ... what the?

I was suspecting motherboard .. but only 12 months old, now I read all these comments.

What to do?

Of course, 12 month warranty ran out 4 days ago.

July 2nd, 2022 21:00

This is exactly the same as my issue.  4 days out of a 12-month warranty of course (ironically I see many issues on the forum that say these problems start soon after 12 months).

Like you, I received messages battery adapter was not recognised on 3 ports (XPS 9500).  I thought there must be a problem with the USB-C wire and pulled it a part but could see no problem.

I bought 2 new Dell OEM adapters - they proved to charge but stopped the next day, so this is not a cable problem.  Ran all sorts of troubleshooting, full factory reset - Win 11 is fully patched as is Dell and Intel - no change.

The issue is like yours, works fine, charged up to 100% before go to bed (cable left in & fully shutdown).

The next day ... adapter is not recognised, and the battery appears to rapidly discharge ... no matter what I do I can't change this.  Eventually at say < 3%, or like today, the battery depleted to 0%. 

Then reconnect and charges quite happily.  I swapped over ports and still charges. I shutdown same as before, and it starts fine and continues to charge.

At night, shut down and again the next day has the same issue ... repeat.

I have top-end specs, not cheap. I moved from Mac to Windows because I thought Mac charges too much .. now considering going back

Please let me know if anyone has a longer-term solution!

Meanwhile I will try the delete-battery-drivers-before-shut-down-at-night trick

1 Message

June 2nd, 2023 14:00

i was facing the same issue in Dell Latitude 3510, after i upgraded my laptop to Windows 11 Pro. Battery was not charging at all.

Go to the bios settings by pressing f2 after bootup and there go to power, search there for battery configuration it may set as Custom change it to standard and it will work.

1 Message

November 12th, 2023 14:13

@DELL-Cares​ I have the same exact problem and I'm so sick of trying to fix it.  I literally tried everything ( nothing is wrong with the battery itself and there's nothing wrong with the charger ) I did some diagnosis and they are both relatively new. My problem has started since my computer updated to Windows 11.  I don't understand why do I need now to a buy a new laptop because of something I'm not responsible for ?

I need any suggestions for fixing this problem. 

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