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3 Posts


April 6th, 2019 01:00

Dell XPS 15 slow photo navigation buffering

Hello Dell community!


I have had trouble with my dell XPS 15 for the last couple of months. I mainly use my computer for photo oriented purposes, this is why this issue is bordering me so much...

I specifically bought this computer for its known performances, and was very surprised with how it deals with photo navigation : passing from one photo to another may take as long as 10 seconds to display the picture in full quality. There seems to be some kind of buffer, very low quality for too long before getting the right photo view.

A video of my when this happens : DELL.PNG

Has this happened to you ? (All my photos are stored in my C: folders : SSD 500GB)

Thank you for your help on this.




April 6th, 2019 07:00

Hi This is very strange. I bought this computer for editing videos and photos and everything is fine. Maybe you have an application running in the background that loads a CPU heavily? You can check it in task manager.

66 Posts

April 6th, 2019 09:00

Ciao JeremieR If you use the Windows 10 default photo app and the photo has a high quality / resolution, it's normal to do so (unfortunately). Try with high applications.
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