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3 Posts


August 13th, 2020 01:00

New Dell XPS 15 9500 - Numerous Issues / Just wanted to hear what everyone else has been embracing?

Hi all,

I'm not sure if this is an appropriate/right platform but I just wanted to share my experiences. 

I did a whole lot of research before purchasing the laptop, been looking to get a relative desktop replacement as I like to travel and do work on the go. From watching all the youtube clips from Dave lee (D2D), Matthew Moniz, Tech Chap, JustJosh, Everyday dad etc. After a long debate between many laptop choices, including Razer, Lenovo(not a mac fan), and many more I pulled the trigger with 20 percent discounts that were on-going trough dell on 11/06/2020 prior to tax time(AU). I managed to purchase a relatively top of the line version to as much as Australia can accommodate(no 2060 RTX versions here).

Just to list a few specs:

  • 3840 x 2400 infinity touch 15.6 display
  • 16gb ram, 2x 8gb
  • Intel i7 10750H
  • Intel Graphics 1650ti

After waiting for roughly 2-3 weeks coming from Singapore and through this climate of Covid 19, I was stoked and finally received it. I want to say that when it was delivered I was extremely annoyed that the person that dropped it off did not ring the doorbell which is in a pretty obvious place in front of the house and did not knock on the door, lucky a family member was in the study room near the door and noticed someone through the curtains, by the time my family member opened the door they noticed that the package was right in front of the door, not hiding behind a pillar and in plain site lucky I live in a court and I know most of my neighbors but the fact that there was no signature(can understand for covid related issues) no ringing of the doorbell or knocking was extremely disappointing by their courier service provider which was DHL. So I can say at this point I was pretty pissed off. But whatever, it was delivered somewhat safely into my hands. 

Upon opening, I was slightly surprised as to how much dusk and particles before even getting to the good part of the opening the wonderful black box. Once I got all the wrapping off and finally got to see what was inside there was more dust particles and looked as if they were in a rush and packed it in as quickly as possible. Thinking to myself I was only nitpicking. Once I uncovered everything and put it on my desk I looked at what was supplied(adapter, dongle, and a couple of papers). Looking over the unit I was slightly disappointed that there was a light hairline scratch/semi dint right in the middle of where the panel of the LED indicator meets the carbon fiber palm rest. I wasn't happy about that.. but was slightly disappointing just because you pay a premium(3.4k) and wouldn't expect it to be 1 packaged so poorly and 2 have a slight indention. but overall it still looked beautiful.

Fired the beast up and let me tell you, the screen is a complete beaut, the infinity edges and the 4k colors are more than amazing, the typing at the start felt slightly mushy but still relative good feedback, the key lighting surprising light well, and trackpad felt great but that was the first thing I tested was the inconsistent clicking and to my surprise, it wasn't as bad as somewhat others have experienced and I thought could possibly be bearable no backlight bleed, all basic testing through a helpful link from Just Josh - - Test Your New Laptop!!! - ULTIMATE GUIDE

After a couple of days of using it, I noticed that out of nowhere my screen would go completely black! but oddly enough the computer was running and the keyboard lights were still illuminated, before freaking out I thought maybe I'll give it a couple of seconds and just close the lid and open it again. To my surprise, the screen turned back on and it operated fine(this was me simply browsing the internet and watching netflix low tasking). As a couple more days went on it kept reoccurring with the same issue and one point it completely went black and the keyboard turned off while the laptop was still slightly humming. So before I thought of simply returning it I spoke to a Dell Support Officer and she helped me virtually reinstall all the bios and updates and it seemed to work fine. At this point, it was close to the 2-week mark before I can return for free without any hassles. The next day it happened again and I had enough, I spoke to the same consultant again and requested for a brand new replacement, not a refurbished replacement, after the battle of the gods with me been very unhappy with the product from day dot they managed to agree and finally said yes. It took a week of approvals and finally it was approved, unlike some people I had to return it first, wait for it to be accepted by dell and then wait an additional 2.5 weeks. So again waiting game begun.. and what a horribly long wait. 

Reaching close to a month and a half from the purchase I finally get my laptop, at this point, I got the box and put it in the backyard and sprayed it with Glen 20 just in case, then opened the cardboard box to bring out the black dell xps box to bring inside. Upon opening the black box again and opening the lid it was absolutely covered in dust particles as if the lid was open for a while and they forgot to close it or something.. but who cared at this point, the laptop itself was my concern. So again before firing up I tested everything, keyboard, moving the screen up and down for any screeches or noises, and trackpad. I can say the trackpad isn't still as bad as others and to elaborate the top 80% is rock solid, no clicking even with running my finger over it like a feather. The other 10% starts to feel slightly a bit loose but no unintentional clicking, the last 10% on the bottom left-hand corner is definitely the easiest part of the trackpad to press/click with extremely minimal pressure, that's only a slight gripe. The only thing I noticed is there is a slight backlight bleed at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.. I was thinking of sending it back again with the desire for them to fix the screen and the trackpad.. but I could not bare another 3 weeks.. for a new replacement for a laptop that could be worst off. 

So just to put it out there that these were the issues I encountered in the laptop:

  • Frozen black screen that made my computer unusable for a fraction of the time without doing anything to the laptop 
  • The trackpad on both laptops was not perfect but I suppose manageable, not really many misclicks and unintentional clicks but the trackpad was slightly looser to the bottom half on both units. 
  • Backlight bleed on the second replacement 
  • Fans can go off and on when performing: Photography type applications, game play(I got bored through covid so started playing SC2 again) Let me say though when the fans are on... they are really on! It sounds like a fighter pilot jet! and that is no exaggeration.  

I understand that this is a new product, I feel like an over entitled prick that is complaining about minuscule things but paying a premium without the quality control been addressed was slightly disappointing.

I just wanted to know if anyone is experiencing any other problems? or Issues

Hope you're all well and safe in these trying times,


Mr Que




1 Message

January 15th, 2023 21:00

Got a replacement and about to return it due to freezing issues etc also ram shows as 50% in use on startup (32gb i9) did you have any issues like this ? Debating whether I should give my luck another go 

1 Message

March 9th, 2024 15:17

I would like to preface this with the fact that the customer service workers were very polite.

I purchased the XPS 15 9500 Laptop with excitement but was very disappointed with both the machine and the fact that only a refurbished model was offered as a replacement through the premium warranty. It seems like it should be illegal to have a laptop replaced with something that Dell doesn't even consider equivalent to a new machine when it is sold by them. A faulty new machine that was paid for at full price should only be allowed to be replaced with an equivalent or better machine. I do not think it is entitled to expect to get what you paid for especially when the item is such an expensive one. This is a reasonable and bare minimum expectation.

The issues I experienced were:

1. The laptop would power off at seemingly random times and would not restart normally. (This issue was more complicated than that but that is the gist.)

2. The battery seemed to have a lower lifespan than promised (I realize there are many confounding variables so that may be arguable.).

3. I did have a track-pad issue as well.

4. Every time I spoke with customer service after the repair depot failed to fix the issues, we went through the same steps after which I had to send it back into the repair depot. This took a lot of time. I think I sent it in three times and then a tech came to my home. The issues were not resolved. He also informed me that the repair depot left out a screw to the battery or some other internal area, I can't recall exactly.

5. They offered me a refurbished laptop that was not guaranteed to be the same as what I purchased and even if it was the same model, being refurbished, it wouldn't be the same as what I purchased. They also offered to do more troubleshooting. Since I refused, the ticket was closed. To go through the process again would require me to purchase a new premium warranty.

My own personal experience combined with the stories I have heard from the experiences of others has led me to vow never to purchase any Dell product in the future nor recommend one unless something changes.

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