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1 Rookie


13 Posts


September 3rd, 2021 09:00

Sticky Palmrest on XPS 15 9550

Hi, on my older XPS 9550 (ca. 5 yrs. old) the palmret has become completely sticky within 3 months of not using it at all. I live in warmer and damp climate but I still think this shouldn´t happen to the Top-Range of Dell. I have tried various ways to clean it and brought it even to a shop. But they couldn´t do anything. I have to replace the entire armrest :-(.
After the blown-up battery after 12 months this is the second faulty issue.
Still happy with my 10th gen 9550 - but it is only a year old now.

Anybody else had the same problem?

1 Rookie


13 Posts

September 3rd, 2021 10:00

Thanks. I wish I would be in Canada. I am in Malta... and you can´t find anything here. Just trying to buy the palmrest online somewhere hoping that it fits.

1 Rookie


13 Posts

September 3rd, 2021 10:00

Thank you so much for your answer. I would try to replace it once and then try to store it... in the fridge maybe? It is in such a bad shape - even on the sides - that even a skin can make it look decent again.

5 Practitioner


2.4K Posts

September 3rd, 2021 10:00

Certainly it will 

Here in India, computer shops provide these services for less 8$ per Laptop 

Not sure about Canada. 

My personal favorite 



5 Practitioner


2.4K Posts

September 3rd, 2021 10:00

I wouldn't say that they use the best kind of Carbon Fibre on XPS 9550 but its way better than their Inspiron series.

I have been using XPS 9550 and XPS 9560 for 4 years and more and there are signs of usages on Palm-rest as well the far right corner ( i mostly hold my computer from that side while roaming in office)

Mostly Black Spots however nothing I can not live with. 

I work between USA/CANADA and mostly in India. So I can confirm Climate here is much warmer. May be sweaty hands??  

The cost of part replacement is too high in these XPS model. I would suggest to apply a skin, even if you have to change it every 2 year it would be much most cost friendly 


Check this, this is from Amazon India, but you can certainly find similar products in US/CA



1 Message

November 3rd, 2021 00:00

Malta? A coincidence, so am i. Must be the humidity here. I have an XPS 13 with tacky palmrest. I tried nail polish remover as some suggested. It perhaps helped only a little bit to remove sticky surface. Not worth it really. I also added a thin coat of olive oil on a paper towel afterwards. I think that did more. In the end, it may be a case of putting the laptop on a stand and using a separate keyboard. 

1 Message

February 22nd, 2023 17:00

I have the same problem. I've failed good solution for the problem. My conclusion is attaching leather sticker. This leather is for torn sofa, maybe. I like the touch. It's not expensive. 


1 Rookie


13 Posts

February 23rd, 2023 00:00

That´s a very cool solution. Unfortunately I have two left hands. Had the palmrest changed but still troubles with the rubbery part under the screen. The best solution to not let it get out of hand in humid countries... never switch it off. But anyway... still disappointed that this happens.

1 Rookie


1 Message

April 11th, 2023 12:00

The rubber coating can come off using Goo Gone or any adhesive remover. Clean the surface with Goo Gone then wipe it dry, afterwards scrub it with a magic eraser or a heavy duty scrub pad. You should start to see the coating come off like a layer of glue. 

5 Posts

July 1st, 2023 09:00

I have had an XPS 9550 for several years now. I use my logitech wireless mouse on the space next to the scratch pad which I never use and hate. Unfortunately the soft touch finish on the palm rest has worn through with constant use. I am at a loss as to why Dell put such a poor quality product on their good carbon fibre palm rest finish. I managed to scrape all this stuff off with my fingernail. It took quite a bit of time to doespecially between the keys on the keyboard part. I now have about 95% of this rubbish removed even between the keys. You obviously couldn't use any metal scraper or similar tool to do the work. My fingernail and a fair bit of patience did the job. I don't recommend any type of solvent as it would ruin the keys and would require a keyboard replacement. I did use a very small amount of methylated spirits soaked in the corner of a microfibre cloth but was extremely careful to keep it away from the keyboard and power switch. It still have a couple of more patches to remove between the keys.

20 Posts

July 28th, 2023 01:00

I hadn't used my XPS15 for some times, and yesterday I opened it to find the rubber paint had turned into sticky grub, like it often happens. Whoever thought that rubbery coat with a 3 year life span was a good idea should be burned in tye pyre.

Still, I recently got an old ebook reader with that problem. It was sticky and disgusting to the touch. I cleaned off the grub by vigorously rubbing methanol with makeup remover cotton pads, and soon it was clean, with the touch of hard plastic, not grub or rubber.

Havent tried on the XPS yet, but I will.

1 Rookie


3 Posts

December 22nd, 2023 11:19

I am also experiencing this problem on my Dell XPS 13 9360. I live in Indonesia but based on reviews from other users it is not always due to hot weather, indeed rubberized coating materials like this will stick over time. I also experienced this before on my Urbanears headphones, when new they were attractive with a matte look and soft surface but with time problems like this will appear.

Thanks for all the advice and input guys. I will try some of the tips that have been on this forum, hopefully Dell will avoid using rubberized coating material in the future on their products.

1 Rookie


1 Message

May 21st, 2024 02:08

It would give more confidence in Dell if they would particpate in this forum and tell us their solution to fix the sticky palmrest problem. I am still looking for their comment. Even their telling us the construction would be helpful.
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