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January 29th, 2021 17:00

Suddently the "t" character is repeating

​Hi. My XPS 9575 has suddenly started to repeat the "t" character. When I press "t" itself it goes into auto-repeat and starts to write out t after t after t. Sometimes hitting Backspace or Return may make it stop. When I type characters near "t" on the keyboard, like "g", "r", "y", etc. sometimes the output is themselves and immediately followed by a "t". ​

​This is making it hard to use the computer since I type on it a lot. I can't even enter passwords into applications since "t" inevitably winds up in the password.​

​Does anyone have any experience with this kind of problem? Is this a version of ​​,​​ where ultimately Dell created various BIOS drivers to fix this?​

​Please help. if anyone has any suggestions.​

​Thank you,​


8 Wizard


17K Posts

January 29th, 2021 18:00

Sounds like a bad keyboard (key/button or scan-line). However, it could be ANYTHING else. You will know after it gets fixed.

If machine passes ePSA 100% good, and has the latest BIOS, I would try a new genuine Dell keyboard.

Only other thing I would try is a clean-install of Windows (could be to a spare drive)..

If it's still broken, I guess it's a bad motherboard. Hopefully, you are still under warranty. 

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