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August 15th, 2018 19:00

XPS 15-9575 2-in-1, touchpad freezing

I got my new laptop less than a month ago and have been very happy with it. However, I have noticed that there is sometimes a problem with the touchpad.

Occasionally, the touchpad will freeze and the cursor will stop moving. These freezes last from about half a second to many seconds. Now, this isn't a huge problem, but it is pretty annoying when it happens.

Anyone with the same problem or ideas on how to fix this problem?

5 Posts

December 13th, 2018 12:00

@wout1 wrote:
My touchpad and battery were replaced 2.5 weeks ago. The problem did not return since then.

I'm back! the problem returned unfortunately, like most of the other people. Seems to happen especially when Windows has been turned on from sleep.

I can't believe how much Dell **bleep** in every possible way. Will try to contact them again, Dell probably wants to replace some parts over and over until it magically disappears. This obviously is not a hardware issue.

16 Posts

December 14th, 2018 15:00

The repair turnaround time was extremely fast for me. Sent it in on Monday, and got it back by Thursday! So far so good, no trackpad issues yet. Will update the thread in a few weeks, or if it comes back before then.

December 16th, 2018 20:00

Following this thread since October. Talked with Dell tonight and we went into device manager and deleted the hid compliant mouse. Let the computer reboot and windows 10 installed its default driver. The touchpad seems to be working fine now. Will give it a few days and dell said they would replace the touchpad if the issue returned. Also got a Dell pro support warranty tonight and then all the problems seemed to go away after the remote support session, conspiracy theory note. 

10 Posts

December 20th, 2018 02:00

@SteveGarrett wrote:

Following this thread since October. Talked with Dell tonight and we went into device manager and deleted the hid compliant mouse. Let the computer reboot and windows 10 installed its default driver. The touchpad seems to be working fine now. Will give it a few days and dell said they would replace the touchpad if the issue returned. Also got a Dell pro support warranty tonight and then all the problems seemed to go away after the remote support session, conspiracy theory note. 

Did the same 3 weeks ago while trying to install some other synaptics drivers which obviously didn't work for this laptop and in the process I had to delete all HID drivers from device manager. So far, I haven't encountered touchpad issue. I'm on BIOS 1.1.7 and AMD driver 18.10.2

1 Message

December 22nd, 2018 10:00

Just got my 9575 in the mail and was noticing something similar. In my case, I was accidentally triggering the keyboard shortcut Fn + T which toggles the trackpad. This would happen frequently while I was using Chrome and trying to open new tabs because I'm still getting used to this keyboard. Still haven't found a way to disable this shortcut, though.

1 Message

December 27th, 2018 11:00

Was there any specific way you installed the new drivers? Whenever I uninstall mine and then reboot my computer it has the same hid compliant mouse driver show up and then my problems resume with the crazy touchpad. 

16 Posts

January 2nd, 2019 06:00

Just a quick update. It's been about 2 weeks since getting my trackpad replaced, and have had no issues since then. For my problem, replacing the trackpad seemed to fix the issue.

8 Posts

January 3rd, 2019 00:00

@dementia79 wrote:

Just a quick update. It's been about 2 weeks since getting my trackpad replaced, and have had no issues since then. For my problem, replacing the trackpad seemed to fix the issue.

From new it took about 8 weeks for my 9575 trackpad to start acting up, so if it is a hardware issue (I'm skeptical) perhaps it won't show for a while.  Can you give us an update in a month or two?

1 Message

January 6th, 2019 12:00

There is still touchpad problem, tried to update bios, delete mouse HID, but still same problems occur...

8 Posts

January 12th, 2019 16:00

For me, disabling "Panel Self-Refresh" in the Intel Graphics Control Panel has reduced the occurrence of the trackpad becoming unusable but not entirely prevented it.

1. Open Intel Graphics Control Panel

2. Select Power from the options at the bottom

3. Disable "Panel Self-Refresh" for both "Plugged-in" and "On Battery" profiles.

1 Message

January 18th, 2019 09:00

Just Boxed mine up after dealing with an hour plus "help" session. experiencing the same exact issues, machine isn't even 90 days old. Battery is also a huge issue, i get 3-4 hours max on a full charge, tech was able to see that when she was on my machine. when the issue first started to  happen it would occur after about 10-15 min of normal use then wouldn't come back until about an hour had passed. fast forward 2 weeks and it is happening every 4-5 min for about 40 seconds sometimes as long as a min then back to normal, then back to lag city. even opening up right click and moving around possessed. I use a Macbook pro for work and feel ripped off purchasing this dell .  The Mac's trackpad is flawless and large and responsive, then i'd move on the XPS and felt as if i was on my windows machine form 1994. I sent al ink of this thread to the "DELL" expert helping me from India, she hasn't replied yet......

I'll post my experience after a couple days of use once its mailed back, felt my gut sink when I saw the post about the issue returning even with the hardware replaced, keeping my fingers crossed it wont happen to me again or i might be throwing this thing out the window and label it the worlds most expensive frisbee.

23 Posts

January 21st, 2019 04:00

@TerafileYou asked if anyone has this with Linux: I believe I do, both with Ubuntu 18.10 and still after updating to the test version for 19.10 recently. BIOS is 1.1.9.

As others have reported, the lower half of the touchpad becomes unresponsive. This happens many times a day and I have found no reliable trigger to reproduce it on purpose, nor a way to avoid it reliably. Sometimes it does not happen for a longish time, up to hours. At other times it happens every few minutes and then calms down again. In each instance, the problem tends to stay for a few seconds, then goes away again. When it happens, placing a second finger on the touchpad (as if for two finger scrolling) lets me move the mouse.

I got the machine with BIOS 1.1.7 in October and ran all upgrades in Windows. This also updated the BIOS to 1.1.9. I tested the hardware for a day with Windows and when all seemed well installed Ubuntu. The problem did NOT occur in the first months with Ubuntu, but at some later point, I guess December. Unfortunately I cannot pinpoint the time as it kind of crept in.

I have not contacted Dell support yet because I was not sure if it maybe was caused by some Ubuntu update and did not have the time to reinstall Windows to test, but reports in this thread seem to support it being a hardware/firmware issue, in particular as one poster reported the issue occurring while in the BIOS.

Unfortunately no moderator has removed the incorrect "solved" tag from the thread.

23 Posts

January 21st, 2019 09:00

Correction, sorry for typo, not that it matters: Ubuntu test version is of course 19.04 at the moment

8 Posts

January 21st, 2019 16:00

I have been experimenting further after disabling "Panel Self-Refresh". Also disabling "Intel Speed Step" from within BIOS seems to further reduce the occurrence but again does not prevent it entirely.  The issue seems reproducible in WIndows 10 1803 by random and continuous use of the mouse over approximately 1-2 minutes. Once the issue appears it will usually (with panel self-refresh and intel speed step disabled) resolve itself after a minute of no mouse usage. Prior to disabling these settings the system would require either a restart to resolve the issue or in some cases disabling the touchpad (Fn+T) for a minute would work.  My thoughts are either touchpad heat (or uneven heat on the touchpad) or perhaps some kind of buffer issue. I am unable to reproduce this issue within the BIOS itself.

41 Posts

January 22nd, 2019 00:00

I have the Panel Self-Refresh option enabled in the latest Intel Control Panel and driver (version Had it on for the last 3 months, no problems with freezing. So not sure if that's related. @Ashram77

But I do have the CPU set at max 90% on AC and max 80% on battery. Will change both to 100% and check Speed Step as well, will enable to see if the issue returns. 

I haven't seen the problem this year, maybe the drivers have matured (and I run Intel and AMD drivers anyway now, not the old Dell ones), but I still would recommend against buying an XPS 15. Horror stories everywhere:

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