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13 Posts
April 5th, 2024 13:46
XPS16 9640 + WD22TB4 Dock - High Pitched Sound
I have a new XPS 16 connected to an also new WD22TB4 dock. When using the dock I am experiencing a high-pitched sound emanating both from the dock itself, and the connection point on the laptop. The sound, as best as I can discern, appears to be coming from the Thunderbolt "plug" rather than the laptop itself.
Interestingly, if I connect the laptop's power supply, then the dock, no sound is heard. If I connect the power supply after the dock though, the noise continues. This suggests something to do with power draw.
I would be grateful for advice on what is causing this and how I might rectify the issue. Both the dock and laptop are on latest firmware updates.
DELL-Chris M
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May 13th, 2024 11:28
I cannot speak to what they said to you. I can only present what the Dell article states =
Buzzing Noise from Dell Docks When Connected to Dell Laptops
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13 Posts
April 10th, 2024 09:32
Further information - the dock does not make the sound with non-Dell laptops (tested with MS Surface Laptop and Intel MacBook Air).
This is infuriating - I specifically bought the correct Dell dock so that I wouldn't need to also have my laptop's power supply connected but it's what I've ended up having to do anyway. Is there any advice, or should I just return this as not fit for purpose?
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April 10th, 2024 09:37
Sorry, one further test result - same issue with a Dell XPS 15 9530 (although that is a unit that is marked faulty due to its own power supply noises from within the laptop).
So my Dell dock is perfect with non-Dell devices, but noisy to the point of being not fit for purpose on Dell devices that it is specifically designed to power.
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April 10th, 2024 11:24
Update : after troubleshooting with Dell support, the dock is being replaced. I will update when that is received to state if this does in fact resolve the issue or not.
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April 17th, 2024 08:06
The replacement dock also exhibits the same problem.
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1 Message
April 18th, 2024 09:26
@xocnai that is too bad, I have been following your progress as I have the same problem. Any feedback from Dell?
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April 18th, 2024 10:45
Apparently they don't know what the problem is because this has "never been reported to them before" which is....improbable.
Also apparently my suggestion of just sending a second power supply for the XPS 16 so I can keep one with the dock is not a possible solution, despite clearly being both cheaper and easier than fixing design flaws in a power delivery system of a dock...
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April 22nd, 2024 14:37
Update...there is no update. Every time I chase this case up, I am asked the same questions over and over and over again as if it's a new case. No one in Dell support makes notes, reads previous conversations or talks to colleagues apparently.
To say I'm furious at this point is a huge understatement and I will never, ever buy another Dell product again.
DELL-Chris M
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April 23rd, 2024 15:07
This Dell KB article was updated today =
Buzzing Noise from Dell Docks When Connected to Dell Laptops
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1 Message
April 28th, 2024 18:18
@DELL-Chris M - so everything is working properly? I'm not going to mess up my brand new XPS 16 by connecting to my brand new WD22TB4 (thunderbolt) dock?
DELL-Chris M
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April 29th, 2024 13:17
@Snooodle Yes, per the article, they are working as designed. No, it will not break anything. You will just notice the noise.
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May 13th, 2024 08:23
@DELL-Chris M
So what you are saying is that a Dell designed product has an obvious and audible flaw when used with other Dell designed products that it is recommended to be used with, and that is "as designed".
Not being funny here, but that's an absolute joke, as is the fact that several of these have been purchased before you updated your little article in response to having a problem being pointed out that you can't fix. This is frankly not even nearly good enough.
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May 13th, 2024 08:27
@DELL-Chris M
Sorry - I'm really furious here. I have been working with Dell support, when I was told that this issue "had never been reported before", and yet now apparently it is "as designed" - it can't be both. So which is it?
1 Rookie
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4 Posts
June 25th, 2024 08:40
I have the exact same problem with my XPS 15 9530 and Dell Dock – WD19S.
I reported this problem in march and had my computer changed. The disturbing noise persists. I agree with you @xocnai , this is very annoying. Especially when you choose the exact right products to work together and it doesn't.
I was told a firmware update were being developed by Dell, but they have no idea when it would be released. @DELL-Chris M do you have any updates?
I can't believe this is normal behaviour, otherwise no one would buy those products together.
DELL-Chris M
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55.7K Posts
June 25th, 2024 16:17
"I was told a firmware update were being developed by Dell, but they have no idea when it would be released."
I was never told this. I can only go by what the Dell article states, "The docking stations are operating within power and acoustic specifications.".