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March 28th, 2008 00:00

XPS M1330 - Mediadirect Removal and Button Fix

Hi everyone,

  I would like to remove MediaDirect and not have the MediaDirect button nuke my computer. If I were to remove the MediaDirect partition and merge it with my OS partition what will happen to the MediaDirect button. What will it do if I press it when the computer is off, and what will it do when windows is running? Thanks in advance. 

17 Posts

March 28th, 2008 03:00

As far as my experimetation goes...this is the deal...Because of Dell Media Direct one can have only have a maximum of 3 partitions..including the hidden partition in which Dell Media Direct is installed.


For example i have teh hidden partition , followed by c: of 40gb and the rest D: partition


You can remove everything and install windows watever...but if u accidentally press the dell media direct button , u ar asking for trouble,u can make that key go inert in its function nor can u assign it for something else.Its hard coded. i had inquired this very same issue with their tech support.


Oh an another thing even if u do the installation with dell media direct with four  partition etc...if u press the dell media direct button without booting into windows it will keep trying to turn on dell media direct without success and this will go on and on..psycho...


In case u face that...remember to keep the dell media direct button pressed....then it will stop and reboot in vista.


Hope it helps 


19 Posts

March 28th, 2008 04:00

The post below is one of the most helpful posts I've seen on this... 


Delete MediaDirect Partition, deactivate MD Button, BUT USE MediaButtons in Windows


In our family we have a Dell XPS M1330 (shipped 17 Feb 2008) that came with MediaDirect 3.5 installed. I am interested in uninstalling MD at some point. I haven't seen a comprehensive step by step procedure, but here's the steps I've pieced together from the post linked above, and investigating myself.


1. uninstall MediaDirect components from Vista's Programs and Features

    * Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer 2007 (c:\Dell\MediaDirect\PPTView)

    * OutlookAddinSetup

    * any other MediaDirect components? please post so I can add to list

    * MediaDirect

2. (per petomorvay in post linked above) delete MediaDirect partition using partition manager in Vista, and your backup partition will remain, and MBR will be automatically configured... MD button does not cause the crash of OS, because it's only set to start an application, and if the application is not present, it just won't start... 

3. delete the MediaDirect folder (c:\DELL\MediaDirect)


(per JordieXPS  in post linked above) The Buttons on the right [of the power on/off button] and the remote [control] have nothing to do with MD. You don't have to have MD installed for them to work.


If any of these steps are wrong, incomplete, or out of order, please advise.



Message Edited by lilla on 03-28-2008 12:26 AM

March 28th, 2008 19:00

Thanks guys. From the forums people have told me that just deleting the partition will be fine and the button will cause no harm.


I think im going to just have to try it out myself. One main point people keep forgetting to put down is WHEN they press the button. Pressing it while windows is loaded probably won't be a problem HOWEVER, if you press it when the laptop is off then it might cause the OS to corrupt. 

Message Edited by Rameneater84 on 03-28-2008 03:05 PM

1 Message

February 8th, 2009 22:00

why can't i access the link above?? it's directing me to my profile page.. i signed in and signed out... but i still couldn't access the link.. by the way... about the steps you provided about mediadirect removal... does it MEAN THAT IT'S SAFE to completely remove the mediadirect partition and all of its components from my laptop... because it doesn't seem to be functional at all... i have media center installed.. and i really don't like the mediadirect... it's really slow than the media center... i wonder why dell came up with this idea... it's limiting me to install ubuntu... hope u reply if it's reaaallly safe to remove the partition of it without affecting the os itself...

137 Posts

February 9th, 2009 04:00

You can remove the lot without it impacting your laptop. You can even re-allocate the hidden partition but make sure you back up your data before doing this. With media direct removed the button above the keyboard just launches the installed windows / OS. It is a shame you cannot reassine the button to say launch windows Vista in Media Centre mode or to just launch Media Centre when windows is already up and hey a small nice to have.

50 Posts

March 2nd, 2009 12:00

I see your post, but when I do a search I see numerous posts from people who have deleted the Media Direct partition, but then when they push the Home/Media Direct button when the computer is OFF completely screw up their HD. The general comment is that when that button is pushed when the computer is off, it is hard coded to rewrite some partition data to allow the Media Direct partition to come up in the place of the standard partition, and then rewrite it back to normal when you exit. However, if the Media Direct partition is gone, the attempted rewriting will screw up your main partition instead.

I'd love some clarity on this, and in particular a way to completely disable that button so that it does nothing when the computer is turned off. I never use Media Direct and have no intention of using it in the future, and would love to get that HD space back.

3.6K Posts

March 2nd, 2009 17:00

Yes if you remove media direct and ACCIDENTALLY hit that button (while the laptop is on),it will cause an infinit loop on the pc.

1 Message

January 20th, 2014 14:00

Ok, I found out today after this happening to me several times is this:

1.  the "home" or "house" button is actually a toggle switch - SO if you get stuck in Media Direct turn OFF your computer.

2.  Press the "home or house" button once and it will reboot. 

3.  Give it time and it will move from Media Direct to your normal Windows startup, but it takes a few minutes, so you have to give it time!

If the computer is running, it doesn't pull you out of the Media Direct mode.  The computer has to be turned off for this to work.  I have done this to myself several times now and "accidentally" got it back once.  This time I did some online resarch and found the answer at

Apparently lots of us have this problem.  I hate this button and want it to go away!  I kept getting the ugly message that my computer had a bitlocker on there so I couldn't go to Media Direct mode regardless!



July 6th, 2015 11:00

If you'd like, you could replace Media Direct with the following operating systems:

*Windows 7

*Mac OS X Snow Leopard


*Windows XP

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