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Community Manager


54.9K Posts


May 15th, 2008 21:00

XPS 630 HDD LED blinking all the time

Post the following -
* Is windows indexing turned off (Y/N)
* What other troubleshooting have you tried?

Dell customer care/service. If already out of warranty, click hereFind your Service Tag
DELL-Chris M

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

June 21st, 2008 21:00


1) When Dell updates driver files for download, do they send them to a different directory/path on install?
* Should be identical to the old ones.

2) What Nvidea ESA entries should I see in "Add/Remove programs" in windowsXP pro control panel?
* NVIDIA Drivers (video card)
* NVIDIA Forceware Network Access Manager
* NVIDIA Performance (ESA)
* NVIDIA nVMonitor (ESA)
* NVIDIA System Update (ESA)

3) Which should be uninstalled prior to updating the ESA drivers?
* SMBus INF for MCP51 & MCP55 and the nVidia Network.

4) I updated my SMBuss drivers and it told me that the directory did't exist and asked if I wanted to create it. I said yes as tech supt said that it was an important driver.
* It should have been there unless you previously removed it.

5) I now have only one Listed in my "add/remove programs" Nvidea Drivers with no size and no date or info.
* Normal. That is what mine is listed as also.

This is the order to load the Nvidia stuff. You restart the PC after loading each one -
Bios 1.0.5
SMBus INF for MCP51 & MCP55
nVidia Network
nVidia MediaShield Driver
nVidia MediaShield Application
8800 GT
nVidia ESA Performance
nVidia ESA System Update
nVidia ESA nVMonitor

9 Posts

June 21st, 2008 23:00

My XPS came in the other day and I have done some testing, here are the FACTORY specs first:

XPS 630i

Vista 32 Premium

BIOS 1.0.5

1 HD 500 GB

4 GB 800 RAM

Intel Core 2 Duo 3.00 GHz

Nvidia GeForce 9800 GX2


I changed the colors around on the system and didn't seem to have any issue, even after reboot. The fans run pretty darn quiet I must say.


The HD light doesn't blink that much. But just so you know, I turned off Windows Restore (I use Acronis Backup instead), disabled Windows Defender and have no AntiVirus Software running.


So, I've had it up and running for about 24hrs now, rebooted it several times. So far so good. 



If your looking for some good tweaks, check out

14.4K Posts

June 22nd, 2008 17:00

475 Posts

June 22nd, 2008 17:00

     Thanks for the reply. I have a resource cd/dvd coming from Tech Support. Something just doesn't seem right with the system and I will attempt to return the drivers to shipped original box setup. Do you know what an XP service tag should bring up for default OS at the Dell Drivers download page? Mine brings up Vista if I am logged into my account with my service tag. If i go there not logged into my account the default is XP. I do not know if this matters but it does seem odd to me.
     Is there a Dell procedure/order for loading a system from scratch? If so I would like to have it, as Driver sequence can cause problems if no done in the correct order. I have a few remaining questions that may help me in my hunt:
1) Do the Dell drivers remove their directories when uninstalled? I have uninstalled the nvidea drivers, Monitor and performance. When I reinstalled as Dell Tech Support asked, I did not get a Directory exists window as I expected. I got a do you want to create window.
2) Would it be normal for my xp control panel to have only ever had entries for Nvidea Drivers, Performance, and Monitor? you listed 5 and the other 2 were never there as an entry.
3) where do I find the SMBus INF to uninstall it? The network is not an entry in XP add remove on my box. Is there another way to uninstall it?
    Thanks in advance. The more i see these oddities (at least to me), the more I wonder if my instability is due to a bad system load. I have run Dell hardware diagnostics with no faults found except the 3700:011b for cpu fan speed incorrect. Since reinstalling the Performance portion I lost my dvd for installing/playing games that installed after I uninstalled performance prior. However, I again uninstalled the performance and did not regain my dvd drive(or virtual drives).
    I do not know when the resource disc will arrive, but I will tinker and post any observations. Any helpful hints in rebuilding drivers would be much appreciated.

475 Posts

June 22nd, 2008 18:00

TY DaveT50. You da Man, and wish me luck.

Got any ideas with dealing with a failed install of dell drivers that don't show up at all in "add/remove" programs for winxp?


205 Posts

June 22nd, 2008 18:00

Check the add/remove programs while in Safe Mode.  I've seen "ghost" programs appear there that don't normally show up.

155 Posts

June 22nd, 2008 19:00


Try Revo Uninstaller it shows more programs than the regular add/remove program.

475 Posts

June 22nd, 2008 19:00


Thnx, there's one i have never heard of before. I'll give it a try. I'll post back if it works. If not, I'll keep that in mind for future reference.


475 Posts

June 22nd, 2008 20:00

     Thanks for the input. However, that is one of the programs i have and it is unable to isolate the problem.
BTW, thanks for helping keep the pressure on Dell to do the right thing! Just keep in mind that Dell Tech Support is not the correct venue to resolve "satisfaction" issues. That being said, Tech support could push the issue if they had something that I would have this message Banned for if i saved some typing and entered it about a bunch of words ago! Think I can get Dell to pay my additional electric bill because of their TOS?

155 Posts

June 22nd, 2008 21:00


Dell tech support isn't the only avenue I'm pursuing to try and get Dell to fix these issues and you're welcome.:smileyvery-happy:


Not sure if this might help but have you tried the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility?  Another program you probably already have but just in case you don't check out Driver Sweeper to remove old driver crud.

475 Posts

June 24th, 2008 05:00

     I hope you have some other ideas, or I feel the following is my only coure of action left. As I state later in this post, I believe there is a larger problem with this nmachine than The ESA FAN/Lights issue. I'm out of ideas, but not unwilling to try... even ones that may seem Way out there. If you can get any from Engineering, I'll give 'em a go. Plan at this point Follows:


     I have the same cpu fan speed error problem. Dell replaced my CPU fan/cooler and both cage fans. It made no difference. My system is extremely unstable. My system fans are not ramping for increased temps and processor demands. The curves do not evoke fan evidenced by my CPU/GPU temperatures under load. It randomly crashes with "hardware failure" messages and halts the system. I also have a problem with my DVD drive when ESA performance portion drivers are installed on my system. Yet the drive functions fine with Nvidea performance uninstalled. I spent today resetting all my drivers from a current resource CD/DVD that I had Dell send me. The problem with the dvd drive (and it extends to Virtual drives as well) is back as I reinstalled the Dell ESA software. The versions seem current with what is up on Dell driver site. This did not seem to make any difference, however, not all of the drivers asked to uninstall anything, especially the one Nvidea file that is only needed on XP systems. I don't know if it was there at delivery. I was running XP SP3 so before i left for work I started uninstalling and will finish that in the morning.

     I have run Dells diagnostics with only the 3700:011b cpu fan fault. I have run Prime95 for 20 hours with no errors so I believe the CPU and memory are fine. I installed Dell's new desktop support program and ran the Diags with that. Again the result was again no defects. Will kick the tires with XP SP2 tommorrow and arrange a New replacement box with Customer Support if there is no resolution.

    As I bought this one SLI MOBO for future expansion but found that X16 is not available for single card, I'll have them change my replacement to the Ultra MOBO and and see what a better single graphics card with change to total order cost to. I am going to make the arguement for the better GPU for my hundreds of hours of failed tech support trying to get my brand new 630i to be able to game. I believe my Box has a larger problem than ESA and 650i chipset problems. I simply do not have the technical equipment to do a proper Autopsy (failure analysis).

     Thanks to all who have tried to assist me in my struggles.



     I have never been able to boot from a USB hard drive with my Old Dim8200 HDD in a usb enclosure, no matter what I have done in Bios settiongs. Even after updating to the latest 1.0.5 Bios. there is nothing wrong with the Old HDD as i have run diagnostics on the drive with numerous software utilities either. I'll post back if the fix happens but I doubtit will. I have tried every Dell Tech support suggestion to include those that just wasted my time because they were afraid to say they did not know. I had asked on several incident communications to have my problems ecscalated. I have checked my account and there are no open issues listed for my machine. I no longer trust Dell's promise that they can do anything to fix my problems. One last effort and the Lemon is going home to Dell.

June 25th, 2008 19:00


Are your core temps okay? The reason I ask is that the "other end" of the 100% fan issue is that the fans stay at idle speed-- unless they are manually set higher (and what that "higher" is, is a guess as the values keyed into the control panel are (randomly?) altered after the change is applied). Hopefully you are one of the lucky ones.

Message Edited by hugh.doctorman on 06-25-2008 03:22 PM

6 Posts

June 27th, 2008 02:00

Oh... am I starting to get worried.. I have a Dell 630 on its way to me and geez I hope it doe snot have all these dramas wrong with it...

Getting a

630 Quad Q9300

4 Gig Ram

Vista Ultimate

24in Ultra Sharp

500g HDD

512mb Nvidia Geforce 8800GT


Hope all is right !!!


Wish me luck !!


11 Posts

June 27th, 2008 06:00

easy to get concerned reading this thread.


apart from blinking light and light fx issues - which dont affect performance - mine has been fine. im sure thats the case for the majority. dell xps support has also been good in my experience.

June 27th, 2008 08:00

its a flashy white light.  just below the power button, and it really only does that when autorun is turned on, when its off it only flashes during harddrive usage
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