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May 10th, 2008 11:00

XPS 420 case buzzing

Hi folks,


Bought an XPS 420 in Feb - been very happy with it. I do have one gripe though - the case buzzes. Not all the time, like now for instance. And when the case isn't buzzing, it's very quiet, so it's a shame when it does!


It's at least once a day though, and can go on for hours. There seem to be a few different places it buzzes from (but could be imagining that), and shifting the card reader up/down, the panel back/forth, or removing the case side helps for anywhere between 5 seconds and a few hours. Nothing seems to cause it to start buzzing, either.


It's a vibration noise, nothing electronically generated. Does anyone else get this? Does anyone know how to stop it? Is the case not on properly? At times it seems way too trivial to request an engineer to come out, but when it's doing it, it can be pretty frustrating. I do wonder if it's because of the desk it's on (just a normal MDF/wooden desk, but the keyboard I got with the PC buzzed too!), 'though my old PC never did it. Any advice?

May 10th, 2008 11:00

I bought a XPS 420 in Feb also and have a similar experience with noise.  I'm not sure whether it is from the fan or case.  The PC starts out quiet and a little while later the noise starts.  It may then subside.  I have not yet opened up to investigate.  But it is very annoying.

109 Posts

May 10th, 2008 13:00

When my 420 starts buzzing I put my hand on top of the case, it stops.


It's not nearly as noisy as my 8400, so it dosen't bother me.

29 Posts

May 10th, 2008 14:00

Thats a normal issue


1. The HDs are placed at the bottom of the case and if u put it on a wooden surface, it generally vibrates (constant backgound vibrating sound)


2. Sometimes there is an alternating vibrations that i hear (i am thinking because of the cpu fan), and they are usually from the left plate below the air intake in the front, i tap that and it stops



XPS 420

C2D E8500-3.16GHZ

4GB ram - 667MHz

750GB HD

8800GT 512MB


Message Edited by astudentis on 05-10-2008 12:04 PM

May 11th, 2008 10:00

Certainly not the hard drives causing it. There is a noise caused by at least one of the fans, but it's not that, either. The one I'm talking about is a much louder buzzing noise, but is intermittent and not related to fan speeds or HDD usage, so I can't work out why it starts or stops - but at times it seems I spend as much time trying to stop it as I do actually using the PC.

109 Posts

May 11th, 2008 13:00

Too bad you didn't call for a refund or replacement befor your 21 days ran out.

1 Message

May 15th, 2008 14:00

I had the same problem. Stuffed some dense foam under the connector ends of my two HDs and that took care of it.

May 15th, 2008 23:00



You were right.  I have to push down a little for the buzzing to stop.  I've now put a dumbell on top of the case and so far that seems to solved the problem.



2 Posts

May 16th, 2008 23:00



I got my XPS 420 in January, and mine does it too.


I seem to get it after 10-20 mins of powering the PC on, and like everyone else has said, I press on the case to or sides, and most times it goes


Other times It takes ages to make it go away.


I've took the side off the PC to have a look but can't figure out where it comes from


Infact, last couple of days after taking the side off, PC seems to have got noiser like a constant low growl, but it could be mind over matter, the more you think about it, the louder it seems


PC is on one of those units where there is a small space that your PC sits in, so I think that is amplifying the sound 


I was thinking of getting some of that acoustic foam matting and putting a piece under the PC, and inside too

May 16th, 2008 23:00

This sounds a lot like what I've been experiencing, FW16. I was also thinking about getting some acoustic foam - but as a test, I got a thick sheet of corrugated (okay, I tore a side off an Amazon box) - it seems to help in some ways, but I'm not sure if that's because I'm looking out for it. There're still frequent loud buzzing sessions, so I'm no longer convinced any kind of mat would help.

705 Posts

May 16th, 2008 23:00

I had a noise that I believe was due to simple vibration. I bought a rubbermaid static mat and placed it under the pc. It removed almost all the vibration / noise...It's not a bad idea to have anyway if one is apt to open  the cover....

68 Posts

September 9th, 2008 04:00

I have the same problem with my XPS 420.  So much for paying a premium price for "quality build"? :smileymad:  I'm really mad at Dell for the poor quality build of this case.  For what we paid, it should not have problems like this.  I expect this from the cheaper Inspiron line but not XPS.  C'mon Dell, what gives?


The buzzing sound comes from poor design of the plastic fan housing.  It is not mounted securely and vibrates causing an intermittent metallic case buzzing sound that starts soft and gets louder as the cpu gets warm and fan spins more.


How to solve this problem: 

  1. Use this type of foam:
  2. Cut a 2 pieces (depending on how thick your foam want an end result of 1.5-2" thick) about 1.5" wide and about 5" long so it can securely be glued vertically onto the plastic fan housing.   It is easy to see when you have the case open.
  3. Glue the 2 pieces together, skip this step if your foam is thick enough by itself
  4. Glue the foam onto the fan housing.
  5. Close the case and let dry for a few hours.

The pressure of the case side should push the foam against the plastic fan housing against the motherboard tight enough to eliminate the ANNOYING and QUITE LOUD buzzing sound.  I wish I could put attachments on here so I can record how loud the buzzing is but I'm sure most who searched this problem already know.


This solution works great for me!  Let me know how it works for you.  I used glue stick glue and my XPS is only about a month old.

Message Edited by funkmasterta on 09-09-2008 01:06 AM

114 Posts

September 9th, 2008 17:00

mmh.. looks like I am not the only one having this problem. Like I said in my earlier post the noise usually goes away after I shake the front USB port or just slap the side of the case when the noise gets too annoying. 

475 Posts

September 10th, 2008 08:00

Has anyone contacted tech support? If your box is under warranty and the Fan is a Problem... Get the fan replaced!


1 Rookie


5 Posts

October 9th, 2008 11:00

I have found this thread regarding the XPS 420 case buzzing very interesting.  I purchased two XPS 410 units some time ago.  I noticed that buzzing rather quickly on BOTH units.  I called Dell for assistance at the time and they were of no help.


I have lived with it for well over a year now.  Just moving the case or pinching the front panel plastic together (one system I need the case always open as I use it for hardware testing).  It has been annoying.


I thought for sure that with the 420 this would have been fixed but now I read that it hasn't.  It looked like the same, or nearly the same, case design as my 410 but I was hoping that internally they would have fixed it.


Even though others have posted a workaround for this problem, it does make me want to try HP when I need to replace these two 410 units.


To those that post that is can be a very LOUD buzzing or rattling noise, yea, I hear ya.  It was SO loud just now that I decided to post my complaint.  That is how I came upon this thread.

October 14th, 2008 20:00

It really was very loud. However, I've not had it for a few months now - at some point I put the PC on a sheet of cardboard, but I'm sure it continued to buzz loudly occasionally. A few days later though, moving the PC slightly and all that, it seemed to stop - not done it since! Been very careful not to move it since, it'd probably start again...


Just got a new Dell (Dimension? it's fairly high spec whatever it is) at work, and that case buzzes too...

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