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This post is more than 5 years old


August 4th, 2009 13:00


How do you file a complaint regarding customer service at Dell?

2.2K Posts

August 4th, 2009 13:00

Dell does not have an official complaint department.

If you feel Dell is not meeting the Terms of Sale and you have attempted to utilize Customer Serive and / or Technical Support for help, Dell does offer an Unresolved Issues form. Use the link at the bottom of this page.

August 5th, 2009 08:00


The issue has been resolved. Thank you so much for caring enough to check in.


Thank you,

August 5th, 2009 08:00


9.4K Posts

August 5th, 2009 08:00


Have you been able to resolve your complaint?  If not, contact me by Private Conversation by clicking "contact" below, then "start a private conversation with Dell-Robert P", and I'll see what I can do.  Thanks.



9.4K Posts

August 5th, 2009 09:00

You're welcome, glad we could help.


1 Message

April 29th, 2010 11:00

Unresolved Issue:

Purchased a computer in July 09.  Within 6 months 2 motherboards and a hard drive was replaced.  After 28 seperate calls regarding the problems, I was issued a replacement.   Case      Rec'd replacement March '10.  Doesn't work.  Can turn on, but no screen activity at all.  After 7 calls 1 email and 1 msg left I have not been able to resolve this issue. 

I have had two calls asking why I won't send the other computer back.  I refuse to send anything until I get a computer that works.  Those people are obviously in a different department (speak English) but could not help me.  They just keep calling and saying "oh".

Called again today, waited 27 minutes and hung up.

This is HORRIFIC service.

Maryjo Mirynowski

<ADMIN NOTE:Case No. removed per privacy policy>

9.4K Posts

April 30th, 2010 09:00


Sorry you are having problems with your computer.  If you would contact me by Private Message, just click on my name and then click "contact" and I'll see what I can do to assist.  Thanks.


42 Posts

July 23rd, 2010 01:00

I received a Studio 1558 as a graduation present.  It was to replace my aging Inspiron 9300 and get me through graduate school.  Since I opened the original box on May 23, 2010, I have received 3 replacement laptops.  The first two were similar Studio 1558s which suffered from the same problem the first one did, excessive heat in the CPU and temperatures on the external case that could burn the skin.  I finally received a replacement that operates at a temperature that I feel safe using for short periods of time without a cooling pad.  That all took 7 weeks and about 100+ hours on the phone.


The problem now really begins.  Now that I have a working laptop, I need an extended warranty.  Granted the warranty is not a "point of sale" warranty because this is the 3rd in a line of replacements and the extended warrantees do not transfer from service tag to new service tag.


I purchased a three year PREMIUM extended warranty for the Studio XPS 16 that Dell Hardware Warranty Support offered me as a replacement that should stay cool enough to use.  The warranty sales representative confirmed to me and my girlfriend who was listening on the 2nd line, that the Premium warranty that I was buying for $389 was the exact same warranty they we (myself and the sales rep) were viewing on the Dell website "personalize your system" tool for the Studio XPS 16.  The sales rep verbally confirmed the exact features of the warranty I was buying BEFORE I would grant her permission to charge my credit card.

According to the Sales Rep. the Three Year Premium warranty ($389 online) that I was purchasing included:

Basic features:  1 year battery replacement, 24/7 phone based hardware support, onsite repair after remote diagnosis

Advanced features:   Accidental Damage Coverage

Premium features:  North American Phone Support, Preferred Technician Access, schedule ahead support


The warranty I received (as described in detail in the Sales acknowledgment email and letter) included:

3 years of 24/7 phone based hardware support.

       NOTHING ELSE.  A total Bait and Switch on the part of the Sales Rep.

The sales representative misrepresented the product she was selling.  She charged me for a premium warranty, agreed that she was selling me the Premium warranty that was described online, but delivered nothing more than a BASIC warranty for the Premium warranty price.

20 pages of personal notes about nearly 50 hours of phone conversations with Dell trying to resolve this issue...  And what resolution came of all of this?

"Regardless of the commitment and verbal contract made by the sales rep", my warranty didn't include the Accidental Damage coverage. Dell couldn't even confirm I had a premium plan with North American support.  I know for a fact the the support I have been receiving has been overseas as i have been experiencing Blue Screen Stoip Errors due to software Dell installed on the computer.  Basically, Dell Customer Care and Warranty Sales' position on the matter was that I got what I bought and it doesn't matter what the Sales Rep committed to selling.  

So, I paid $389 for a3 year extended  warranty that I was told was a premium plan with premium, advanced and basic features.  What I got was an extended basic plan at an inflated price.  I have had many promises and "trust me"s, given by Dell representatives who said I was wronged and that they would resolve the issue for me, fall apart.  In the end and as a temporary measure to protect my new machine (as I continue to push for an ethical, moral and legal resolution to this matter) I had to pay an additional $268 for my accidental coverage.  

To pour salt on the wound, the premium warranty was to come with a $75 promo gift card.  The sales rep just so happened to forget this as well.  it wasn't on the purchase contract as she stated it would be.  A weeks worth of phone calls on this NEW problem and Dell finally admits that it should be included in the sale and is supposedly going to email me a $75 coupon in 10 to 12 days.  With what I have been through, I'm not expecting it to materialize but i havethe name and ID number of the reps who said it is on the way.

I have spoken to nearly 50 Dell representatives (I have most of their names, positions and employee numbers as proof).  I have spent over 100 hours on the phone with Dell in the past 8 weeks working on resolving the overheating computers and the warranty.  

I even had one Customer Care rep accuse me of fraud for asking about my $75 gift card. It was on the quote I got from the sales rep...   According to him, my account was "frozen", I was being investigated by Dell's fraud department and that Dell was pursuing legal charges against me.  Note: I don't have a Dell account of any kind besides my login to view the systems I have or maintain for others.  I was made to feel like a criminal.  Fortunately I called back and got a manager who was appalled at what he was hearing and was going to make sure the employee was reprimanded and that corrective actions were taken...

Oddly enough, I just today received an email from Dell recommending that I "protect my investment:" with a premium extended warranty.  Oh yeah, with a $75 gift card thrown in...  Go figure.

I have been a faithful and loyal Dell customer for nearly 10 years. KI have used Dell hardware in my past businesses.  I recommend Dell hardware to friends, family and the trusted one's who's computers I maintain.  There are over 5 Dell laptops in my family alone with another laptop on the way from some source to be determined (should I put myself through all of this again?).  I am into my second Dell laptop.  There are 4 Dell desktops in my family.  I have 4 Dell printers in my house hold.  Many of these products are being retired soon as is my faithful Inspiron 9300 which my graduation gift was replacing.  Never in all of my 15 years of professional IT and consulting experience have I ever experienced such blatant disregard for sales contracts, purchase agreements, customer satisfaction.  Dell has invested several thousand dollars of salaried employee time just to make sure I do not receive the $389 Premium Service plan that I rightfully paid for.  



15 Posts

December 5th, 2011 11:00


Sorry to bother you on the forums, as this is part of another post, but I have the same Over heating and multiple mother board fry problems as explained on some of the other posts.  Studio 1558 STag <ADMIN NOTE:Service tag removed per privacy policy>.  But it is on it's second mother board, and will now need a third along with (maybe) a new screen.I feel the original issue was not resolved with the first service call.  It just overheated again.  Do I have any recourse, or can you forward me to someone that might help or have a recommendation?   thanks,

9.4K Posts

December 8th, 2011 06:00

Hi Rcarlsonr,

Sorry you are having problems with your computer.  Please contact me privately by clicking my username, then on the next page, click the envelope icon that says "send message" and send me your information.  I'll see what I can do.  Thanks.





ref 20406931


3 Posts

June 11th, 2012 15:00

Hi Robert,

I tried clicking on your name but did not get any envelop to chat on. I am having a horrible experience with Dell :(



9 Legend


30.3K Posts

June 11th, 2012 15:00


Click on the blue DELL-Robert P on the next page, click on start conversation with.


6 Posts

June 19th, 2012 12:00

I would also like to file a complaint. Order support is terrible with Dell.

3 Posts

June 19th, 2012 13:00

Mine was even worse. I had my monitor of my XPS laptop blown of and they got it fixed and in few months just after the warranty got over it blew off again and they want about $400 to fix it. They do not accept that they had some problem with the machine earlier thats why my monitor blows of again and again. The tech guy says its because of electricity variation!!!!

9.4K Posts

June 20th, 2012 06:00

Hi Joepan,

As I explained in your private message to me, I will be unable to assist as you have taken legal actions against Dell.  Please contact the Dell Legal department for further assistance.


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