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This post is more than 5 years old


March 16th, 2012 13:00

Dell - Alienware Ping-Pong

         Over the past 10 years, My wife and I have spend thousands of dollars (closer to 10k) on Dell Products, but for the past few years, I really wanted to get an Alienware for Gaming. It's like investing in a Mercedes when you know an American build car will do the job, but the "Extras" and prestige make it desirable. What a Nightmare this has been.

           I was very excited when I saw the new Alienware X-51 Andromida on the website. Small and powerful, it looked like everything I needed and at an affordable price, even in these tough economic times.  So after months of budgeting and saving and convincing my wife, I went ahead and ordered one. That's when my Problems started. Upon order, it stated my build would take 30 days. No problem for me as I felt the anticipation of a superior machine was worth the wait. About 25 days into the build-time, I recieved an Email that my delivery date would be delayed 7-10 days. A disappointment yes, but still felt optimistic. Then I recieved another Email 4 days into the "Extra time" that my system had shipped. Yippie! Right?  WRONG!

         Upon arrival, the machine would not power on. I got on the phone with Dell-Alienware tech support and after waiting 45 minuted on the waiting list, I started working with a Dell Tech I could bearly understand. He "ADMITTEDLY" was working from the tech manual as he had me open this machine and check loose connections. After about an hour, he started insisting that it was my 18 month old Dell VGA flatscreen monitor that was the Cause of my machine not powering up. I may be a novice at computers but this sounded fishy to me so I asked to speak with his Supervisor. He as well "INSISTED" that I needed to but a new monitor for this Alienware machine to function. Now it is about 3 hours into this phone call and  in exasperation, I accept his offer to sell me a new Monitor. (Add 235$ to this venture).

       Speaking with friends who are more "Savy" about these things, they say that It doesn't sound right so I once again contact Dell and thankfully, I had purchased a complete warranty and told them I wanted to invoke my Inhome Service. A week Later Dell Sent a Tech to my home with a huge box of parts. but as he opens the machine and starts to disassemble it, his face goes blank and he starts laughing..  and says "Are you kidding me"?   He immediately discovered the Problem..  the machine had been shipped " WITHOUT ITS PROCESSOR"!

      He gets on the phone and explains the problem and sets up a replacement to be shipped in 7-10 days.  The next day I check my "Order Status" and see the replacement order has been "CANCELLED"..  So.. once again I get on the phone..  not knowing if its Dell or Alienware or who the heck is responsible for this Nightmare.  Finally, Apparently I am speaking with a Supervisor  of Customer Resolution services and he assures me a replacement machine in 7-10 days again..  and today is day 9 and still no updates to my order. 

With the Economy in the shape that it is in, one would think that a company like Dell would do everything in it's power to protect it's customers from being "Scammed" by it's outsourced Tech support and would do everything in its power to protect its Company name.

5 Posts

March 29th, 2012 15:00

   Update. We are now past 30 days since I origionaly contacted CS about my machine that arrived without it's Processor and "Still" waiting. The order that was placed by a "Supervisor" was cancelled on March 26th and a new order was made. I was told that the hold up was that the basic keyboard that the system comes with was back-ordered so my replacement machine sat on a shelf collecting dust...  For those who read the first part of this, I didn't have a problem with the keyboard.. I had a machine that was shipped minus it's CPU. This extra keyboard would probably been packaged back up and sent back to Dell with the defective machine they sent. I was sent and recieved a KG-900 keyboard but "STILL" have nothing to plug it into. And I keep waiting.. and waiting..  and waiting..

   I just want my fully functioning machine I paid for.. 60+ days ago..  I have had my fill of Appologies, Excuses and "Run-Arrounds.. this has gone well past acceptable and fallen into the realm of just plain Bad Business. I still have to pray the machine; if it arrives before it's obsolete, functions without any hardware or software problems.

2.3K Posts

March 29th, 2012 17:00

Quold, I`ll have a forum moderator contact you to see if he can assist you.

4 Operator


9.4K Posts

March 30th, 2012 05:00

Hi Quold,

Sorry you are having problems with your Alienware computer.  I may be able to assist.  Please contact me privately by clicking on my name in blue, then on the next page, click the envelope icon that says "start conversation", and send me your information.  Thanks.




ref  21215288


5 Posts

March 30th, 2012 13:00

Thank you for taking an interest in my case Robert, but you would be the 4th person from Dell who has expressed an interest in "assisting" me with this case in the past 2 months. To date I have dealt with Dwayne_Wilk***, Manuel_ Rol***, and Gerard_ Jam***  (Sorry for the incomplete names, but even as frustrated as I am, I still do not believe in publishing Full names of people on an open forum)


My posts on these forums contain all my "Details", required to look into this case.  Forgive me if I did not contact you "Privately". After everything that has happened, my confidence in Dell has been put on Life-Support. My hope is that maybe one of the Share-holders or someone from the Head-Office actually reads these forums and might take some Pride in their company name and get this situation remidied. I would expect this level of service (repeated delays, cancellations and mistakes) from an overseas company, not one here in the US of A.


I feel I have been beyond patient and understanding in this entire matter.

500 Posts

April 9th, 2012 22:00

I am sorry to hear that you have had such a troubling experience with your m15x. This is not the experience you should having, with your system or with tech support. 

I encourage you to send an email to, detailing your experience and information that you have provided here. After having worked with this team on a personal level with my own system, I can attest to their efficient and effectiveness. 

Please, feel free to contact me directly for further assistance, or post here if you have further feedback. Alienware is supposed to be a good experience, and the only person who is supposed to get frustrated is your opponent in the game. :)

5 Posts

April 10th, 2012 00:00

We are now 45 days from the day that a Dell- In-home tech dismantled my brand new X-51 and discovered that they infact sent it without its Processor. FORTY-FIVE Days.. I have called and ASKED.. BEGGED... PLEADED.. DEMANDED... that whatever was holding up my system replacement, be upgraded or switched out, but alas  to NO avail. I am STLLL waiting.  Each and everytime I call Customer Resolutions, I get bombarded with recorded messages about how much Dell is committed to Customer Service and Resolution..  and then am told time and time again "Your system is in Production, Sorry, NO date of Shippment yet". For Crying out loud, I probably could have had a Custom build Rolls Royce build and delivered by now, ( And you can bet it wouldn't be missing its Engine!!) Dell and Alienware USED to stand for the Ultimate in Gaming Computers..


I have spoken with SO many people from Dell claiming to be willing to help, but here I STILL sit.. 45 days later and Still getting the same run arround..( And my X-51 isn't even maxed out in its options when I ordered it, they should have been able to upgrade my backordered Processor and fixed this WEEKS AGO! ) Even my formal complaint with the BBB gets responces from Dell saying "A Dell Rep is working with him to reach a resolution".. but how is "We are sorry, your system is STILL in production and backordered" working towards a resolution? Week after week after week.. this is what I am being told.

 Surely SOMEBODY at Dell has a shred of Integrity left in them.. There must be ONE person who can fix this and fix it NOW... not 30 days from now.. Someone who actually "Owns a PAIR" and takes Pride in their company and can decide, "this should never happen.. it should never have happened.. we are going to make this right." 45 days. .. Personally..  I would be ASHAMED..

4 Operator


9.4K Posts

April 10th, 2012 08:00

Hi Quold,

I've checked our records, and it appears your issue is being handled by our Executive Level Team.  This team is the highest in the company and answers directly to Mr. Dell, so, your case is receiving the utmost attention that we can possibly give. 

Please re-contact the team member you are currently working with to check the status of your system build.  Thanks.


ref 21281550

5 Posts

April 10th, 2012 09:00

Hi Robert,

                 Yes, I recieved a phone call this morning from them confirming that they are now aware of my situation, collected more details ect. and that they are now working on it. What a relief.

Thank you


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