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January 11th, 2011 23:00

Removing a STD-BCV relationship


I cannot remove a STD-BCV relationship between 2 DMX3 devices.

DMX3 has 5772 MCode version.

The 2 devices are 2 meta devices (config=striped on 8 members):

01D7 - STD dev.

028F - BCV dev.

In this moment "State of Pair" (from symdev -sid xxx show 028F) is "SplitNoInc".

01D7 Not Visible            ???:? 05C:C2  2-Way Mir     N/Grp'd  (M) NR  138105

028F Not Visible            ???:? 05C:D3  2-Way BCV Mir N/Asst'd (M) RW  138105

Do you have any ideas?



2 Intern


2.8K Posts

January 13th, 2011 04:00

Hi Paul ... Unfortunatly I don't have a CLI available, thus can't check my own ... But AFAIK symcli should report if the devices are already part of a metavolume ... Looking at his previous post it looks like the volumes aren't bound to metas... And both have same size (18414 cyls "big" cyls)

26 Posts

January 13th, 2011 04:00

I'm no expert, but...maybe trying so hard to pull apart first, is the problem.  Have you ever played with a Chinese finger puzzle - the more you pull the more you can not break free..

The state on the devices at the beginning of your post showed that there was some kind of force command issues from the beginning, likely while the devices were in a sync'ing state.  Hence the "SpliNoInc" status.

Why not put down the hammer first...and try to put these devices into their own device group and do a Full Establish resync them.  If you can add them to a DG then that tells me they aren't stuck in another one.  And by resync'ing them you clean up any hanging messages.

Now once they are fully in sync then split them...nice and easy like it should.

Then do the process of removing the BCV from the standard...and taking them out the DG....and getting rid of the DG.

Just a thought,


859 Posts

January 13th, 2011 15:00

I did not look at the full thread but to some errors that you are getting. I also see that your error has changed now. Earlier you were getting a different error while canceling the STD-BCV pair and now a different error while est it.

When I compare the symdev show of STD and BCV, i dont see mismatch configuration between the two (both looks 2way mir and no meta member). But if you still want to clear the relationship from BCV device, you can create another STD of the same size (2way mir) and establish -full with BCV. This will override the STD information on BCV device and then you can cancel -force the new STD-BCV relation ship.

Check primus emc122345

This can also be done through INLINES if you do not want to do it using CLI.



25 Posts

January 13th, 2011 22:00


I created again the configuration from the begining:

symdg create testdg

symld -g testdg add dev 01D7 DEV000 -sid xxx

symbcv -g testdg -sid 129 associate dev 028F BCV000

symmir -g testdg -full establish DEV000 bcv ld BCV000

and this is what we have:

symmir -g testdg query

Device Group (DG) Name: testdg
DG's Type             : REGULAR
DG's Symmetrix ID     : 000000001129

     Standard Device                    BCV Device                  State
-------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------
                    Inv.                                  Inv.
Logical        Sym  Tracks Logical              Sym       Tracks STD <=> BCV
-------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------

DEV000         01D7      0 BCV000               028F *         0 Synchronized

Total              -------                               -------
  Track(s)               0                                     0
  MB(s)                0.0                                   0.0

symdg show testdg

Group Name:  testdg

    Group Type                                   : REGULAR
    Device Group in GNS                          : Yes
    Valid                                        : Yes
    Symmetrix ID                                 : 000000001129
    Group Creation Time                          : Fri Jan 14 08:18:00 2011
    Vendor ID                                    : EMC Corp
    Application ID                               : SYMCLI

    Number of STD Devices in Group               :    1
    Number of Associated GK's                    :    0
    Number of Locally-associated BCV's           :    1
    Number of Locally-associated VDEV's          :    0
    Number of Locally-associated TGT's           :    0
    Number of Remotely-associated VDEV's(STD RDF):    0
    Number of Remotely-associated BCV's (STD RDF):    0
    Number of Remotely-associated TGT's(TGT RDF) :    0
    Number of Remotely-associated BCV's (BCV RDF):    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd RBCV's (RBCV RDF) :    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd BCV's (Hop-2 BCV) :    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd VDEV's(Hop-2 VDEV):    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd TGT's (Hop-2 TGT) :    0

    Standard (STD) Devices (1):
                                                      Sym               Cap
        LdevName              PdevName                Dev  Att. Sts     (MB)
        DEV000                N/A                     01D7 (M)  NR    138105

    BCV Devices Locally-associated (1):
                                                      Sym               Cap
        LdevName              PdevName                Dev  Att. Sts     (MB)
        BCV000                N/A                     028F (M)  NR    138105

symdev -sid xxx show 01D7

Device Physical Name     : Not Visible

    Device Symmetrix Name    : 01D7
    Device Serial ID         : N/A
    Symmetrix ID             : xxx

    Device Group Name        : testdg
    Device Logical Name      : DEV000

    Attached BCV Device      : N/A

    Attached VDEV TGT Device : N/A

    Vendor ID                : EMC
    Product ID               : SYMMETRIX
    Product Revision         : 5772
    Device WWN               : xxx
    Device Emulation Type    : FBA
    Device Defined Label Type: N/A
    Device Defined Label     : N/A
    Device Sub System Id     : 0x0002
    Cache Partition Name     : DEFAULT_PARTITION

    Device Block Size        : 512

    Device Capacity
        Cylinders            :     147312
        Tracks               :    2209680
        512-byte Blocks      :  282839040
        MegaBytes            :     138105
        KiloBytes            :  141419520

    Device Configuration     : 2-Way Mir       (Meta Head,
                                                Non-Exclusive Access)

    Device is WORM Enabled   : No
    Device is WORM Protected : No

    SCSI-3 Persistent Reserve: Disabled

    Dynamic Spare Invoked    : No

    Dynamic RDF Capability   : None

    STAR Mode                : No
    STAR Recovery Capability : None
    STAR Recovery State      : NA

    Device Service State     : Normal

    Device Status            : Not Ready        (NR)
    Device SA Status         : N/A              (N/A)

    Meta Configuration       : Striped
    Meta Stripe Size         : 960k    (1 Cylinders)
    Meta Device Members (8)  :
                               BCV  DATA                    RDF  DATA
                      ----------------------------  --------------------------
        Sym    Cap    Std Inv BCV Inv Pair          R1 Inv R2 Inv Pair
        Dev    (MB)   Tracks  Tracks  State         Tracks Tracks State
    --> 01D7  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
        01D8  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
        01D9  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
        01DA  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
        01DB  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
        01DC  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
        01DD  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
        01DE  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
             138105        0       0                     -      -

    Mirror Set Type          : [Data,Data,N/A,N/A]

    Mirror Set DA Status     : [RW,RW,N/A,N/A]

    Mirror Set Inv. Tracks   : [0,0,0,0]

    Back End Disk Director Information
        Hyper Type                             : Data
        Hyper Status                           : Ready           (RW)
        Disk [Director, Interface, TID]        : [05C, C, 2]
        Disk Director Volume Number            :   12 (0xB)
        Hyper Number                           :    3
        Mirror Number                          : 1
        Disk Capacity                          : 140014m
        Disk Group Number                      : 1
        Disk Group Name                        : DISK_GROUP_001

        Hyper Type                             : Data
        Hyper Status                           : Ready           (RW)
        Disk [Director, Interface, TID]        : [15C, C, 2]
        Disk Director Volume Number            :   12 (0xB)
        Hyper Number                           :    3
        Mirror Number                          : 2
        Disk Capacity                          : 140014m
        Disk Group Number                      : 1
        Disk Group Name                        : DISK_GROUP_001

    BCV Pair Information
        Standard (STD) Device Symmetrix Name   : 01D7
        Standard (STD) Device Serial ID        : Not Visible
        Standard (STD) Device Group Name       : testdg
        Standard (STD) Composite Group Name    : Not/Grouped

        BCV Device Symmetrix Name              : 028F
        BCV Device Serial ID                   : Not Visible
        BCV Device Associated Group Name       : testdg
        BCV Device Associated CG Name          : Not/Associated

        BCV Device Status                      : Not Ready       (NR)

        State of Pair ( STD ====> BCV )        : Synchronized
        Percent Initiated                      : 100%
        Time of Last BCV Action                : Fri Jan 14 08:19:51 2011

        State of BCV Mirrors                   : Synchronized

        BCV State Flags                        : (CantRevSpl)(AllReady)(Emulation)

        Number of Inv. Tracks for STD Device   : 0
        Number of Inv. Tracks for BCV Device   : 0

symdev -sid xxx show 028F

Device Physical Name     : Not Visible

    Device Symmetrix Name    : 028F
    Device Serial ID         : N/A
    Symmetrix ID             : xxx

    Device Group Name        : testdg
    Device Logical Name      : BCV000

    Attached VDEV TGT Device : N/A

    Vendor ID                : EMC
    Product ID               : SYMMETRIX
    Product Revision         : 5772
    Device WWN               : xxx
    Device Emulation Type    : FBA
    Device Defined Label Type: N/A
    Device Defined Label     : N/A
    Device Sub System Id     : 0x0003
    Cache Partition Name     : DEFAULT_PARTITION

    Device Block Size        : 512

    Device Capacity
        Cylinders            :     147312
        Tracks               :    2209680
        512-byte Blocks      :  282839040
        MegaBytes            :     138105
        KiloBytes            :  141419520

    Device Configuration     : 2-Way BCV Mir   (Meta Head,
                                                Non-Exclusive Access)

    Device is WORM Enabled   : No
    Device is WORM Protected : No

    SCSI-3 Persistent Reserve: Disabled

    Dynamic Spare Invoked    : No

    Dynamic RDF Capability   : None

    STAR Mode                : No
    STAR Recovery Capability : None
    STAR Recovery State      : NA

    Device Service State     : Normal

    Device Status            : Not Ready        (NR)
    Device SA Status         : N/A              (N/A)

    Meta Configuration       : Striped
    Meta Stripe Size         : 960k    (1 Cylinders)
    Meta Device Members (8)  :
                               BCV  DATA                    RDF  DATA
                      ----------------------------  --------------------------
        Sym    Cap    Std Inv BCV Inv Pair          R1 Inv R2 Inv Pair
        Dev    (MB)   Tracks  Tracks  State         Tracks Tracks State
    --> 028F  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
        0290  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
        0291  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
        0292  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
        0293  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
        0294  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
        0295  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
        0296  17263        0       0  Synchronized       -      - N/A
             138105        0       0                     -      -

    Mirror Set Type          : [Data,Data,N/A,N/A]

    Mirror Set DA Status     : [RW,RW,N/A,N/A]

    Mirror Set Inv. Tracks   : [0,0,0,0]

    Back End Disk Director Information
        Hyper Type                             : Data
        Hyper Status                           : Ready           (RW)
        Disk [Director, Interface, TID]        : [05C, D, 3]
        Disk Director Volume Number            :  140 (0x8B)
        Hyper Number                           :    9
        Mirror Number                          : 1
        Disk Capacity                          : 140014m
        Disk Group Number                      : 1
        Disk Group Name                        : DISK_GROUP_001

        Hyper Type                             : Data
        Hyper Status                           : Ready           (RW)
        Disk [Director, Interface, TID]        : [15C, D, 3]
        Disk Director Volume Number            :  140 (0x8B)
        Hyper Number                           :    9
        Mirror Number                          : 2
        Disk Capacity                          : 140014m
        Disk Group Number                      : 1
        Disk Group Name                        : DISK_GROUP_001

    BCV Pair Information
        Standard (STD) Device Symmetrix Name   : 01D7
        Standard (STD) Device Serial ID        : Not Visible
        Standard (STD) Device Group Name       : testdg
        Standard (STD) Composite Group Name    : Not/Grouped

        BCV Device Symmetrix Name              : 028F
        BCV Device Serial ID                   : Not Visible
        BCV Device Associated Group Name       : testdg
        BCV Device Associated CG Name          : Not/Associated

        BCV Device Status                      : Not Ready       (NR BCV)

        State of Pair ( STD ====> BCV )        : Synchronized
        Percent Initiated                      : 100%
        Time of Last BCV Action                : Fri Jan 14 08:19:51 2011

        State of BCV Mirrors                   : Synchronized

        BCV State Flags                        : (CantRevSpl)(AllReady)(Emulation)

        Number of Inv. Tracks for STD Device   : 0
        Number of Inv. Tracks for BCV Device   : 0

What should I do next to remove everything related to BCV for these 2 devices, 01D7 and 028F?

Thank you,

Message was edited by: SymmetrixForumsModerator Modified Symmetrix IDs.

86 Posts

January 13th, 2011 23:00


There are 2 correct methods to cancel a relationship like this.

1) create a file and use the symmir cancel -f option

2) create a device group and use the symmir cancel -g option

If neither of these are working then you will need to open a Service Request with EMC and the PSE Lab will ultimately have to investigate.

It is possible that you have an orphaned SDDF session or some such. The software will not be able to fix that.


Sam Claret EMC TSE3

2 Intern


2.8K Posts

January 14th, 2011 04:00

I guess customers don't usually use inlines ;-)

26 Posts

January 14th, 2011 04:00

Just a suggestion...

Now that they are back together, do a clean split command.

Check to ensure the dg does in fact show a nice clean 'split' status.

If it does, then (without a hammer) try using the old command symbcv -g disassociate dev

...double check on the syntax...I'm not at a machine right now.

One it disassociates, then remove the std device from the dg and get rid of the test-dg

Just a thought,


25 Posts

January 16th, 2011 23:00



Here it is:

symmir -g testdg split -instant

Execute 'Split' operation for device group
'testdg' (y/ ) ? y

'Split' operation execution is in progress for
device group 'testdg'. Please wait...

'Split' operation successfully executed for device group

symdg show testdg

Group Name:  testdg

    Group Type                                   : REGULAR
    Device Group in GNS                          : Yes
    Valid                                        : Yes
    Symmetrix ID                                 : xxx
    Group Creation Time                          : Fri Jan 14 08:18:00 2011
    Vendor ID                                    : EMC Corp
    Application ID                               : SYMCLI

    Number of STD Devices in Group               :    1
    Number of Associated GK's                    :    0
    Number of Locally-associated BCV's           :    1
    Number of Locally-associated VDEV's          :    0
    Number of Locally-associated TGT's           :    0
    Number of Remotely-associated VDEV's(STD RDF):    0
    Number of Remotely-associated BCV's (STD RDF):    0
    Number of Remotely-associated TGT's(TGT RDF) :    0
    Number of Remotely-associated BCV's (BCV RDF):    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd RBCV's (RBCV RDF) :    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd BCV's (Hop-2 BCV) :    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd VDEV's(Hop-2 VDEV):    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd TGT's (Hop-2 TGT) :    0

    Standard (STD) Devices (1):
                                                      Sym               Cap
        LdevName              PdevName                Dev  Att. Sts     (MB)
        DEV000                N/A                     01D7 (M)  NR    138105
    symdg show testdg

Group Name:  testdg

    Group Type                                   : REGULAR
    Device Group in GNS                          : Yes
    Valid                                        : Yes
    Symmetrix ID                                 : xxx
    Group Creation Time                          : Fri Jan 14 08:18:00 2011
    Vendor ID                                    : EMC Corp
    Application ID                               : SYMCLI

    Number of STD Devices in Group               :    1
    Number of Associated GK's                    :    0
    Number of Locally-associated BCV's           :    1
    Number of Locally-associated VDEV's          :    0
    Number of Locally-associated TGT's           :    0
    Number of Remotely-associated VDEV's(STD RDF):    0
    Number of Remotely-associated BCV's (STD RDF):    0
    Number of Remotely-associated TGT's(TGT RDF) :    0
    Number of Remotely-associated BCV's (BCV RDF):    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd RBCV's (RBCV RDF) :    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd BCV's (Hop-2 BCV) :    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd VDEV's(Hop-2 VDEV):    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd TGT's (Hop-2 TGT) :    0

    Standard (STD) Devices (1):
                                                      Sym               Cap
        LdevName              PdevName                Dev  Att. Sts     (MB)
        DEV000                N/A                     01D7 (M)  NR    138105

    BCV Devices Locally-associated (1):
                                                      Sym               Cap
        LdevName              PdevName                Dev  Att. Sts     (MB)
        BCV000                N/A                     028F (M)  RW    138105

symmir -g testdg query

Device Group (DG) Name: testdg
DG's Type             : REGULAR
DG's Symmetrix ID     : 000000001129

     Standard Device                    BCV Device                  State
-------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------
                    Inv.                                  Inv.
Logical        Sym  Tracks Logical              Sym       Tracks STD <=> BCV
-------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------

DEV000         01D7      0 BCV000               028F *         0 Split

Total              -------                               -------
  Track(s)               0                                     0
  MB(s)                0.0                                   0.0


(*): The paired BCV device is associated with this group.

symbcv -g testdg disassociate dev 028F   (without a hammer )

Cannot proceed when the device is paired in a Copy Session except if the force flag is used

symbcv -g testdg disassociate ld BCV000 

Cannot proceed when the device is paired in a Copy Session except if the force flag is used


I tried:

symmir -g testdg cancel DEV000 bcv dev 028F

Execute 'Cancel' operation for device 'DEV000'
in device group 'testdg' (y/ ) ? y

'Cancel' operation execution is in progress for device 'DEV000'
paired with BCV device '028F' in
device group 'testdg'. Please wait...

'Cancel' operation successfully executed for device 'DEV000'
in group 'testdg' paired with BCV device '028F'.

symdev -sid 129 show 028F

    Device Physical Name     : Not Visible

    Device Symmetrix Name    : 028F
    Device Serial ID         : N/A
    Symmetrix ID             : xxx

    Device Group Name        : testdg
    Device Logical Name      : BCV000

    Attached VDEV TGT Device : N/A

    Vendor ID                : EMC
    Product ID               : SYMMETRIX
    Product Revision         : 5772
    Device WWN               : xxx
    Device Emulation Type    : FBA
    Device Defined Label Type: N/A
    Device Defined Label     : N/A
    Device Sub System Id     : 0x0003
    Cache Partition Name     : DEFAULT_PARTITION

    Device Block Size        : 512

    Device Capacity
        Cylinders            :     147312
        Tracks               :    2209680
        512-byte Blocks      :  282839040
        MegaBytes            :     138105
        KiloBytes            :  141419520

    Device Configuration     : 2-Way BCV Mir   (Meta Head,
                                                Non-Exclusive Access)

    Device is WORM Enabled   : No
    Device is WORM Protected : No

    SCSI-3 Persistent Reserve: Disabled

    Dynamic Spare Invoked    : No

    Dynamic RDF Capability   : None

    STAR Mode                : No
    STAR Recovery Capability : None
    STAR Recovery State      : NA

    Device Service State     : Normal

    Device Status            : Ready            (RW)
    Device SA Status         : N/A              (N/A)

    Meta Configuration       : Striped
    Meta Stripe Size         : 960k    (1 Cylinders)
    Meta Device Members (8)  :
                               BCV  DATA                    RDF  DATA
                      ----------------------------  --------------------------
        Sym    Cap    Std Inv BCV Inv Pair          R1 Inv R2 Inv Pair
        Dev    (MB)   Tracks  Tracks  State         Tracks Tracks State
    --> 028F  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
        0290  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
        0291  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
        0292  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
        0293  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
        0294  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
        0295  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
        0296  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
             138105        0       0                     -      -

    Mirror Set Type          : [Data,Data,N/A,N/A]

    Mirror Set DA Status     : [RW,RW,N/A,N/A]

    Mirror Set Inv. Tracks   : [0,0,0,0]

    Back End Disk Director Information
        Hyper Type                             : Data
        Hyper Status                           : Ready           (RW)
        Disk [Director, Interface, TID]        : [05C, D, 3]
        Disk Director Volume Number            :  140 (0x8B)
        Hyper Number                           :    9
        Mirror Number                          : 1
        Disk Capacity                          : 140014m
        Disk Group Number                      : 1
        Disk Group Name                        : DISK_GROUP_001

        Hyper Type                             : Data
        Hyper Status                           : Ready           (RW)
        Disk [Director, Interface, TID]        : [15C, D, 3]
        Disk Director Volume Number            :  140 (0x8B)
        Hyper Number                           :    9
        Mirror Number                          : 2
        Disk Capacity                          : 140014m
        Disk Group Number                      : 1
        Disk Group Name                        : DISK_GROUP_001

    BCV Pair Information
        Standard (STD) Device Symmetrix Name   : 01D7
        Standard (STD) Device Serial ID        : Not Visible
        Standard (STD) Device Group Name       : testdg
        Standard (STD) Composite Group Name    : Not/Grouped

        BCV Device Symmetrix Name              : 028F
        BCV Device Serial ID                   : Not Visible
        BCV Device Associated Group Name       : testdg
        BCV Device Associated CG Name          : Not/Associated

        BCV Device Status                      : Ready           (RW)

        State of Pair ( STD < \ > BCV )        : SplitNoInc
        Time of Last BCV Action                : N/A

        State of BCV Mirrors                   : Synchronized

        BCV State Flags                        : (AllReady)
        Percent Split                          : 100%

        Number of Inv. Tracks for STD Device   : 0
        Number of Inv. Tracks for BCV Device   : 0

It seems that I'll have to open a Service Request for this problem. I really don't know what could have happened.

Thank you,

Message was edited by: SymmetrixForumsModerator Modified Symmetrix ID.

419 Posts

January 17th, 2011 01:00

Have you tried running a symmir –g group cancel ? Then run the disassociate.

The disassociate is removing the BCV from the group it is asking for the force because it rightly detects that there is a valid relationship there, adding the force flag is telling the software you realize that there is a relationship but you want to remove the device anyway.

Disassociating will not get rid of the copy session which is in essence the relationship you must first run the cancel to clear the relationship.

25 Posts

January 17th, 2011 05:00

@Paul Martin

Starting from the following status:

symmir -g testdg query

Device Group (DG) Name: testdg
DG's Type             : REGULAR
DG's Symmetrix ID     : xxx

     Standard Device                    BCV Device                  State
-------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------
                    Inv.                                  Inv.
Logical        Sym  Tracks Logical              Sym       Tracks STD <=> BCV
-------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------

DEV000         01D7      0 BCV000               028F *         0 Synchronized

Total              -------                               -------
  Track(s)               0                                     0
  MB(s)                0.0                                   0.0


(*): The paired BCV device is associated with this group.

symmir -g testdg split -instant

Execute 'Split' operation for device group
'testdg' (y/ ) ? y

'Split' operation execution is in progress for
device group 'testdg'. Please wait...

'Split' operation successfully executed for device group

symmir -g testdg query

Device Group (DG) Name: testdg
DG's Type             : REGULAR
DG's Symmetrix ID     : 000000001129

     Standard Device                    BCV Device                  State
-------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------
                    Inv.                                  Inv.
Logical        Sym  Tracks Logical              Sym       Tracks STD <=> BCV
-------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------

DEV000         01D7      0 BCV000               028F *         0 Split

Total              -------                               -------
  Track(s)               0                                     0
  MB(s)                0.0                                   0.0


(*): The paired BCV device is associated with this group.

symmir -g testdg cancel DEV000 bcv dev 028F

Execute 'Cancel' operation for device 'DEV000'
in device group 'testdg' (y/ ) ? y

'Cancel' operation execution is in progress for device 'DEV000'
paired with BCV device '028F' in
device group 'testdg'. Please wait...

'Cancel' operation successfully executed for device 'DEV000'
in group 'testdg' paired with BCV device '028F'.

symbcv -g testdg disassociate ld BCV000

symdg show testdg

Group Name:  testdg

    Group Type                                   : REGULAR
    Device Group in GNS                          : Yes
    Valid                                        : Yes
    Symmetrix ID                                 : 000000001129
    Group Creation Time                          : Fri Jan 14 08:18:00 2011
    Vendor ID                                    : EMC Corp
    Application ID                               : SYMCLI

    Number of STD Devices in Group               :    1
    Number of Associated GK's                    :    0
    Number of Locally-associated BCV's           :    0
    Number of Locally-associated VDEV's          :    0
    Number of Locally-associated TGT's           :    0
    Number of Remotely-associated VDEV's(STD RDF):    0
    Number of Remotely-associated BCV's (STD RDF):    0
    Number of Remotely-associated TGT's(TGT RDF) :    0
    Number of Remotely-associated BCV's (BCV RDF):    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd RBCV's (RBCV RDF) :    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd BCV's (Hop-2 BCV) :    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd VDEV's(Hop-2 VDEV):    0
    Number of Remotely-assoc'd TGT's (Hop-2 TGT) :    0

    Standard (STD) Devices (1):
                                                      Sym               Cap
        LdevName              PdevName                Dev  Att. Sts     (MB)
        DEV000                N/A                     01D7 (M)  NR    138105

As you can see from the following command nothing changed for the device 028F:

symdev -sid xxx show 028F

    Device Physical Name     : Not Visible

    Device Symmetrix Name    : 028F
    Device Serial ID         : N/A
    Symmetrix ID             : xxx

    Attached VDEV TGT Device : N/A

    Vendor ID                : EMC
    Product ID               : SYMMETRIX
    Product Revision         : 5772
    Device WWN               : xxx
    Device Emulation Type    : FBA
    Device Defined Label Type: N/A
    Device Defined Label     : N/A
    Device Sub System Id     : 0x0003
    Cache Partition Name     : DEFAULT_PARTITION

    Device Block Size        : 512

    Device Capacity
        Cylinders            :     147312
        Tracks               :    2209680
        512-byte Blocks      :  282839040
        MegaBytes            :     138105
        KiloBytes            :  141419520

    Device Configuration     : 2-Way BCV Mir   (Meta Head,
                                                Non-Exclusive Access)

    Device is WORM Enabled   : No
    Device is WORM Protected : No

    SCSI-3 Persistent Reserve: Disabled

    Dynamic Spare Invoked    : No

    Dynamic RDF Capability   : None

    STAR Mode                : No
    STAR Recovery Capability : None
    STAR Recovery State      : NA

    Device Service State     : Normal

    Device Status            : Ready            (RW)
    Device SA Status         : N/A              (N/A)

    Meta Configuration       : Striped
    Meta Stripe Size         : 960k    (1 Cylinders)
    Meta Device Members (8)  :
                               BCV  DATA                    RDF  DATA
                      ----------------------------  --------------------------
        Sym    Cap    Std Inv BCV Inv Pair          R1 Inv R2 Inv Pair
        Dev    (MB)   Tracks  Tracks  State         Tracks Tracks State
    --> 028F  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
        0290  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
        0291  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
        0292  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
        0293  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
        0294  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
        0295  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
        0296  17263        0       0  SplitNoInc         -      - N/A
             138105        0       0                     -      -

    Mirror Set Type          : [Data,Data,N/A,N/A]

    Mirror Set DA Status     : [RW,RW,N/A,N/A]

    Mirror Set Inv. Tracks   : [0,0,0,0]

    Back End Disk Director Information
        Hyper Type                             : Data
        Hyper Status                           : Ready           (RW)
        Disk [Director, Interface, TID]        : [05C, D, 3]
        Disk Director Volume Number            :  140 (0x8B)
        Hyper Number                           :    9
        Mirror Number                          : 1
        Disk Capacity                          : 140014m
        Disk Group Number                      : 1
        Disk Group Name                        : DISK_GROUP_001

        Hyper Type                             : Data
        Hyper Status                           : Ready           (RW)
        Disk [Director, Interface, TID]        : [15C, D, 3]
        Disk Director Volume Number            :  140 (0x8B)
        Hyper Number                           :    9
        Mirror Number                          : 2
        Disk Capacity                          : 140014m
        Disk Group Number                      : 1
        Disk Group Name                        : DISK_GROUP_001

    BCV Pair Information
        Standard (STD) Device Symmetrix Name   : 01D7
        Standard (STD) Device Serial ID        : Not Visible
        Standard (STD) Device Group Name       : testdg
        Standard (STD) Composite Group Name    : Not/Grouped

        BCV Device Symmetrix Name              : 028F
        BCV Device Serial ID                   : Not Visible
        BCV Device Associated Group Name       : Not/Associated
        BCV Device Associated CG Name          : Not/Associated

        BCV Device Status                      : Ready           (RW)

        State of Pair ( STD < \ > BCV )        : SplitNoInc
        Time of Last BCV Action                : N/A

        State of BCV Mirrors                   : Synchronized

        BCV State Flags                        : (AllReady)
        Percent Split                          : 100%

        Number of Inv. Tracks for STD Device   : 0
        Number of Inv. Tracks for BCV Device   : 0

Thank you,

Message was edited by: SymmetrixForumsModerator Modified Symmetrix ID.

419 Posts

January 17th, 2011 06:00

From what I see in the outputs you have provided you have cancelled the relationship between the devices, you should now be able to convert the device to STD and do what you please. All you need to do is remove the BCV attribute from the device.

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

January 17th, 2011 06:00

what did you expect to see ?

25 Posts

January 17th, 2011 06:00

Hi dynamox,

Output from the "delete dev 028F" with preview:

A Configuration Change operation is in progress. Please wait...

    Establishing a configuration change session...............Established.

    Error occurred while Defining change number 1:
    Cannot use the device for this function because it is a Copy Session source
    Device 028F generated the failure

    Terminating the configuration change session..............Done.

The configuration change session has failed.

I would like to use 028F as a standard device and along with other identical devices to be allocated to a host. The BCV feature of it was for a test only purpose.

Thank you,

25 Posts

January 17th, 2011 06:00


Maybe I'm wrong but I want to see no sign of any relationship between 01D7 and 028F.

Do you think that from the above status I could use 028F as a STD device?

I cannot delete 028F or do anything else but to mirror 01D7 in a device group.

Again, sorry if I'm missing something obviuos.

Thank you,

25 Posts

January 17th, 2011 06:00


Output from the preview mode:

A Configuration Change operation is in progress. Please wait...

    Establishing a configuration change session...............Established.
    Processing symmetrix xxx
      convert dev 028F to 2-Way Mir, raidset=false;

    Performing Access checks..................................Allowed.
    Checking Device Reservations..............................Allowed.
    Submitting configuration changes..........................Submitted
    Locking devices...........................................Locked.
    Validating configuration changes..........................Validated.
    Initiating PREPARE of configuration changes...............Prepared.
    Closing configuration change request......................Closed.
    Terminating the configuration change session..............Done.

The configuration change session has completed successfully.

Output from the commit:

A Configuration Change operation is in progress. Please wait...

    Establishing a configuration change session...............Established.
    Processing symmetrix xxx
      convert dev 028F to 2-Way Mir, raidset=false;

    Performing Access checks..................................Allowed.
    Checking Device Reservations..............................Allowed.
    Submitting configuration changes..........................Submitted
    Locking devices...........................................Locked.
    Validating configuration changes..........................Validated.
    Initiating PREPARE of configuration changes...............Prepared.
    Initiating COMMIT of configuration changes................Queued.
    COMMIT requesting required resources......................Obtained.
    Step 002 of 027 steps.....................................Executing.

    COMMIT monitoring failed

    Error occurred while Committing
    The state of a snap session is blocking the activation of the new configuration. Please see the API log file

    Closing configuration change request......................Closed.
    Terminating the configuration change session..............Done.

The configuration change session has failed.

By removing the BCV attribute did you meant converting to a STD device, didn't you?

Thank you,

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