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This post is more than 5 years old


December 6th, 2016 07:00

sql backup in networker can not be started

I have networker client. I have installed following ...

This is first time backup. file level backup works fine. but when i start sql backup thru networker user for sql , i get following mesage ..

"The program could not be started. it may not be in the networker directory. make sure you have isntalled networker correctly."

I have installed following peices ..




And i see following

C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr>dir

Volume in drive C has no label.

Volume Serial Number is B250-37D0

Directory of C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr

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12/06/2015  06:58 AM               487 configcat

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          NMM ProxyRA

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12/06/2016  07:30 AM   


               1 File(s)            487 bytes

              13 Dir(s)  37,595,033,600 bytes free

C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr>

Directory of C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\bin

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12/06/2015  07:08 AM        16,688,856 adelib64.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            94,144 AdPlugin.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM           158,936 atl100.dll

10/20/2016  05:12 AM                17 audisable.txt

10/20/2016  05:12 AM                16 auenable.txt

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            62,912 BBBMountService.exe

12/05/2016  03:13 PM             2,864 BBBMountService.tlb

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           228,056 bbmount.exe

10/20/2016  05:09 AM               422 bsmsql.res

12/06/2015  07:09 AM           253,952 ccme_asym.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM           354,304 ccme_base.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM           184,320 ccme_base_non_fips.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            78,784 Common.Exchange.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM           294,912 cryptocme.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM             2,638 cryptocme.sig

12/06/2015  07:09 AM           121,344 CSP-lb.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM           828,416 CSP-Security.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            19,160 dbgcommand.exe

12/05/2016  02:08 PM   


12/06/2015  06:58 AM           255,192 DestructiveRecover.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            28,376 drvutil.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            24,512 EMC.DirectoryService.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            21,952 EMC.NetWorker.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            16,320 EMC.NetWorker.PitManagement.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         1,041,856 EMC.NetWorker.UI.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            20,416 EseUtilsHelper.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM           337,856 Exchange2010Plugin.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM           254,912 FSPlugIn.dll

12/06/2015  07:10 AM           264,083 fsra.jar

12/06/2015  07:10 AM           214,748 fsra_res.jar

10/20/2016  05:53 AM           156,096 FSUtilities.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM             5,288 hostgen.bat

10/20/2016  05:53 AM           394,688 HyperVPlugIn.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM           959,192 iconv.dll

10/20/2016  05:45 AM           112,576 Interop.ActiveDs.dll

12/06/2015  07:11 AM            43,008 jansson.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            35,032 jobkill.exe

12/06/2015  07:09 AM            35,032 jobquery.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            31,680 jobutility.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            14,552 lcmap.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM             2,983 lcmap.vcs.bat

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            43,736 lc_config.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            75,712 lgtoccsq.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            24,280 lgtoclon.exe

12/06/2015  07:12 AM            34,608 lgtosync.sys

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         6,685,632 libad.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM           856,280 libasm.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM            48,344 libavctl.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           120,024 libcdi.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           236,760 libclone.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         4,010,200 libcommonssl.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM           319,704 libcurl.dll

12/06/2015  07:08 AM           317,656 libcurlX.dll

12/06/2015  07:00 AM           130,776 libDataDomainoncrpc.dll

12/06/2015  07:00 AM            81,112 libDataDomainpthread.dll

12/06/2015  07:00 AM           130,776 libDataDomainVDiskoncrpc.dll

12/06/2015  07:00 AM            81,112 libDataDomainVDiskpthread.dll

12/06/2015  07:00 AM         2,675,928 libDDBoost.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM            79,064 libddcl.dll

12/06/2015  07:00 AM        10,987,736 libddvdisk.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         8,792,000 libdpmpluginbrowse.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM         1,090,776 libeay32.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         8,792,000 libexchange2010pluginbrowse.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         8,792,000 libexchangepluginbrowse.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         6,545,344 libfsdc.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         8,792,000 libfspluginbrowse.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         8,792,000 libhypervpluginbrowse.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         5,788,096 libjobhelper.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM           639,192 liblocal.dll

10/20/2016  05:49 AM         5,763,008 libmapibrowse.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            41,688 libmount.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           331,480 libnassnap.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            30,424 libnassnaputil.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            71,384 libndmp.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            60,632 libndmp_clnt.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            16,600 libndmp_fh.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           102,616 libndmp_iface.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            54,488 libnetworker.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         5,713,856 libnmersg.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            50,624 libnmexchclrbridge.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            19,904 libnmmeseutilhelper.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            80,832 libnmmpsmgmtexchange.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            50,624 libnmmpsmgmtexchangebridge.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM           110,528 libnmmpsmgmthyperv.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            35,264 libnmmpsmgmtsharepoint.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           248,536 libnsmrestclient.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM         1,425,624 libnsr.dll

12/06/2015  07:00 AM         2,624,216 libnsrbsa.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM            72,920 libnsrvba.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM            96,984 libnwnfs.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            84,184 libnwp.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         8,792,000 libpitpluginbrowse.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM           233,176 librap.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM           260,312 librpc.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM            26,840 librpcomp.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           796,376 libscsi.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           508,120 libssemcclar.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           568,024 libssemcrp.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           275,672 libssprotectpoint.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           252,120 libsssymm-dmx.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           230,616 libssvmaxv3.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           352,984 libsymapi_interface.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            41,176 libsymm_wrapper.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM           240,856 libui.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            45,784 libvbadel.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM            59,096 libvbamgmt.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         2,409,688 libvmdk.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           131,800 libvss.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           133,336 libvss2008.dll

10/20/2016  05:52 AM            10,176 libvssrequester_resource.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           143,064 libwinclass.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            70,872 libwindedup.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM           165,080 libwiss.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM         1,650,904 libxml2.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            22,976 marshalUtility.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM         5,574,872 mfc100.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM            36,568 mfc100chs.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM            36,568 mfc100cht.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM            64,728 mfc100deu.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM            55,512 mfc100enu.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM            64,216 mfc100esn.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM            64,728 mfc100fra.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM            62,680 mfc100ita.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM            44,248 mfc100jpn.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM            43,736 mfc100kor.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM            61,144 mfc100rus.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM         5,602,008 mfc100u.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM         1,662,680 mfc80.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM         1,659,096 mfc80u.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM            93,400 mfcm100.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM            93,400 mfcm100u.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM            71,896 mfcm80.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM            70,360 mfcm80u.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM             1,871 microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest

12/06/2015  07:01 AM             2,373 Microsoft.VC80.MFC.manifest

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            91,864 mminfo.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            30,936 mmlocate.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            27,352 mmpool.exe

12/06/2015  07:01 AM           522,456 msvcm80.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM           608,472 msvcp100.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM           403,672 msvcp60.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM         1,067,736 msvcp80.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM           829,656 msvcr100.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM           803,032 msvcr80.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         7,250,368 NativeMarshalHelpers.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            44,760 ndmpsup.exe

12/05/2016  02:39 PM               672 NewPluginRegistry.xml

10/20/2016  05:17 AM           145,239 nmmexchra.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM            31,149 nmmexchra_res.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM            12,138 nmmexchra_res_fr.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM            13,000 nmmexchra_res_ja.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM            11,338 nmmexchra_res_ko.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM            10,040 nmmexchra_res_zh.jar

10/20/2016  05:36 AM           144,458 nmmhypervra.jar

10/20/2016  05:36 AM            24,331 nmmhypervra_res.jar

10/20/2016  05:36 AM             6,591 nmmhypervra_res_fr.jar

10/20/2016  05:36 AM             6,595 nmmhypervra_res_ja.jar

10/20/2016  05:36 AM             6,590 nmmhypervra_res_ko.jar

10/20/2016  05:36 AM             6,593 nmmhypervra_res_zh.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM           144,883 nmmspra.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM            12,567 nmmspra_res.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM             6,572 nmmspra_res_fr.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM             6,584 nmmspra_res_ja.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM             6,578 nmmspra_res_ko.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM             6,585 nmmspra_res_zh.jar

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            49,088 nmmvss.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            49,088 nmmvss2008.dll

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10/20/2016  05:17 AM           158,033 nmsqlra.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM            27,545 nmsqlra_res.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM            10,613 nmsqlra_res_fr.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM            11,662 nmsqlra_res_ja.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM            10,520 nmsqlra_res_ko.jar

10/20/2016  05:17 AM             9,254 nmsqlra_res_zh.jar

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            74,968 nsradmin.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            15,808 nsradrecov.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            29,120 nsradrecovlib.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            27,584 nsradsave.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           762,072 nsrarchive.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         1,634,008 nsrbragent.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            26,328 nsrcatconfig.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            24,280 nsrclient_nsrfa.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         5,833,152 nsrcscd.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            64,448 nsrcsvutil.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            30,936 nsrdmpix.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            35,032 nsrdsa_recover.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            35,544 nsrdsa_save.exe

10/20/2016  05:49 AM         5,009,344 nsrexchcscd.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            37,080 nsrexec.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           275,672 nsrexecd.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         1,213,656 nsrfsra.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           131,800 nsrinfo.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           311,512 nsriscsi.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            31,448 nsrlogd.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           186,072 nsrlogin.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            19,160 nsrlogout.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            59,608 nsrmm.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            66,264 nsrnassnap.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            47,832 nsrnassnapck.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            41,176 nsrnassnap_discover.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            49,880 nsrnassnap_index.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            55,000 nsrnassnap_recover.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            45,784 nsrnassnap_save.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            25,304 nsrndmp_2fh.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           107,736 nsrndmp_recover.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           108,248 nsrndmp_save.exe

10/20/2016  05:54 AM         6,828,992 nsrnmmexchra.exe

10/20/2016  05:54 AM         6,750,144 nsrnmmhypervra.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         7,743,936 nsrnmmra.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM        10,725,824 nsrnmmrc.exe

10/20/2016  05:54 AM         6,749,632 nsrnmmspra.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         8,766,912 nsrnmmsv.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         8,515,008 nsrnmm_glr_recover.exe

10/20/2016  05:54 AM         6,872,000 nsrnmsqlra.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         5,788,096 nsrpitlib.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            26,328 nsrports.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            20,184 nsrpost.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         2,429,144 nsrpsd.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            18,648 nsrpurge_adhoclog.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM             5,266 nsrrcopy.bat

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            28,376 nsrreccomp.exe

12/06/2015  07:00 AM           351,960 nsrretrieve.exe

12/06/2015  07:00 AM            25,304 nsrrpcinfo.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            79,064 nsrsnap.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         2,138,840 nsrsnapadmin.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           487,640 nsrsnapagent.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           134,872 nsrsnapbwragent.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           115,416 nsrsnapck.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            66,776 nsrsnap_recover.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           853,720 nsrsnap_save.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         7,242,688 nsrsqlrc.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         7,469,504 nsrsqlsv.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            22,232 nsrssltrust.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         2,333,912 nsrvadp_modify_vm.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         2,652,888 nsrvadp_recover.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         2,053,336 nsrvadp_save.exe

12/06/2015  07:11 AM         4,099,760 nsrvbaflr.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         2,312,408 nsrvim.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            47,832 nsrwatch.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            53,976 nsrwriter.exe

10/20/2016  05:49 AM         6,452,672 nsrxchmbrc.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            42,200 nsr_render_log.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            27,072 nsr_sa_ini.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM               349

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            24,356

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            23,768 nwinstcreate.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM             5,039 nwmisc.bat

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         4,519,872 nwmsqladmin.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM        11,307,456 nwmssql.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         9,891,264 nwmssqllib.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM         2,730,944 NWSecurityAdmin.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            20,696 nw_vcs.exe

10/20/2016  05:30 AM               701 OriginalPluginRegistry.xml

10/20/2016  05:53 AM           105,408 pluginApi.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            31,680 PluginConfig.exe

10/20/2016  05:30 AM               701 PlugInRegistry.xml

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            58,816 pluginutility.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            27,352 preclntsave.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            28,888 pstclntsave.exe

12/06/2015  07:01 AM         4,741,336 qt-mt332.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           351,960 recover.exe

12/06/2015  07:01 AM         1,063,128 roboex32.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM           744,152 save.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            91,864 savefs.exe

12/06/2015  07:00 AM           744,152 savepnpc.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM           218,560 SPSQLVSSPlugin.dll

12/06/2015  07:09 AM           708,824 sqlite_3_8_7_2_DLL.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            17,344 SQLShellMgmt.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            38,616 sselect.exe

12/06/2015  07:09 AM           196,824 ssleay32.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         2,327,256 TestFindVm.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         2,350,808 TestMountVm.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         2,336,472 TestSnapshot.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         2,351,832 TestVirtualDisk.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         2,521,304 TestVmConfig.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         2,282,712 test_vmdkParser_4.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            16,088 uasm.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM            80,832 UserConfigDll.dll

10/20/2016  05:53 AM           124,352 UserConfigUI.exe

12/06/2015  07:01 AM            57,560 vcomp100.dll

12/06/2015  07:01 AM         1,489,624 vixDiskLib.dll

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            20,184 vssupdate.exe

10/20/2016  05:53 AM           572,352 WinClient.exe

12/06/2015  06:58 AM            25,816 windrvutil.exe

12/05/2016  02:56 PM               638 Winworkr.dat

12/06/2015  06:58 AM         1,267,928 winworkr.exe

             284 File(s)    353,357,635 bytes

               9 Dir(s)  37,595,033,600 bytes free

C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\bin>

2.4K Posts

December 6th, 2016 10:00

What about NMM, OS and SQL version? - Most likely a compatibility issue.

Please verify all dependencies.

19 Posts

December 6th, 2016 10:00

nmm 901 , os windows 2012 , sql 2010

2 Intern


14.3K Posts

December 6th, 2016 11:00

nsrsqlsv seems to be there so not sure what the issue is... unless it is your iser for some reason, you can try to reinstall it (including later patch level for your code tree) and try again.

19 Posts

December 6th, 2016 12:00

what is steps ? first install base client ( lgtoclnt- ) for file level backup then NWVSS for sql peice ? do we need lgtoxtdclnt- ?  what is purpose of configchecker ?

2 Intern


14.3K Posts

December 6th, 2016 14:00

I didn't play with NW9, but I would always install lgtoxtdclnt as that is client plus package.  Then you install NMM.  You will find latest patches for NW packages in and for NMM in  (you want NMM for SQL backup).

2.4K Posts

December 6th, 2016 14:00

The config checker will test whether all necessary parameters match as required.

It will expecially check whether NMM is able to login to the SQL db and run the backup. I would not bypass it.

BTW - I would always take care and install NW client and NMM of the same version.

19 Posts

December 6th, 2016 14:00

i am going to try update base client to 901. by the way what is difference between "" and ""  ? other thing will sql 2010 works on 2012 windows os ?

Thank you Hrvoje

19 Posts

December 6th, 2016 15:00

Still getting same message now both base client and nmm are on 901 ...


2 Intern


14.3K Posts

December 7th, 2016 06:00

Strange one... I could only think of permissions in this case.  I would suggest to open a ticket with support and this should be fixed in 5 minutes once you can see what is really going on.. it is probably something silly.

19 Posts

December 7th, 2016 07:00

This is weird , if it is not supported why some body would give that option in GUI.

19 Posts

December 7th, 2016 07:00


I can not open case since this is my home lab and testing networker 9.x feature. is there any other way to test this ?

2.4K Posts

December 7th, 2016 07:00

The error message is strange but I think the issue is clear now - with NMM 9 manual backups are not allowed/possible any longer. From the Release Notes:

Unsupported NetWorker features

    The following NetWorker features are not supported in NMM:

     - Localization (L10N)

     - Probe based backups

   - Adhoc or manual VSS backups

    - AES encryption for Hyper-V Server and Exchange Server backups

2.4K Posts

December 7th, 2016 08:00

Because it is just cheaper to add an error message rather than to redevelop the whole program :-(

2 Intern


14.3K Posts

December 7th, 2016 10:00

You are using VSS and not VDI? 

19 Posts

December 7th, 2016 10:00


Every body i was able to backup , i was able to backup from networker server but again during recover from server sql backup not showing .... by the way what is latest stable code in 9.x release ?


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