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December 29th, 2017 14:00

AWS Marketplace DDM VE 3.1 sysadmin password


I've launched the latest DDM VE from the AWS Marketplace (twice now), however the sysadmin password is not "changeme" nor is it sysadmin nor the AWS account ID (not sure where I saw that)

Any ideas?


4 Posts

January 11th, 2018 14:00

Many retries later, this is how I got into the system and set the sysadmin password to something that worked. I initially used the AWS host key specified when created the EC2 instance.

chris@vader.local:/Users/chris> ssh sysadmin@x.x.x.x

EMC Data Domain Virtual Edition



chris@vader.local:/Users/chris> ssh sysadmin@x.x.x.x -i ./AWSHosts.pem

EMC Data Domain Virtual Edition

Welcome to Data Domain OS


        To improve security, Data Domain recommends that you change    

        the 'sysadmin' password before continuing with the system      


    Change the 'sysadmin' password at this time? (yes|no) [yes]: yes

    Enter new password:

    Re-enter new password:

Passwords matched.

And then things started working

85 Posts

January 8th, 2018 10:00

its "sysadmin" and "changeme" - you could try to delete and restart it

4 Posts

January 15th, 2018 19:00

Further to the above - this was the way I continued the install

EMC Data Domain Virtual Edition

Welcome to Data Domain OS


        To improve security, Data Domain recommends that you change   

        the 'sysadmin' password before continuing with the system     


    Change the 'sysadmin' password at this time? (yes|no) [yes]:

    Enter new password:

    Re-enter new password:

Passwords matched.

    Do you want to configure system using GUI wizard (yes|no) [no]:

Network Configuration

    Configure Network at this time (yes|no) [no]:

eLicenses Configuration

    Configure eLicenses at this time (yes|no) [no]:

System Configuration

    Configure System at this time (yes|no) [no]:

Configuration complete.

I then went straight to the browser


Added a security exception to the browser

Loaded the license key, remember to unzip it first!


Next I added the 500GiB device to the file system, it failed the data system assessment but this is only a trial for me so I carried on. It may be that I chose the cheaper of the AWS volume types for the 500GiB disk.

Then configuration was straight forward.

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