Managing a business is not very different from climbing a mountain. The summit is your goal. But the path does not necessarily lead upwards only.
In today’s fast-paced world, businesses often face short peaks just as well as some (hopefully temporary) low periods. Finding the right IT solution to handle these phases and optimize budget utilization can be very hard, or even impossible. Until now…
Since this summer, Dell Technologies is offering Flexible Consumption Models for IT from the Desktop to the Data Center. The benefits for our clients can easily be explained: they only use and pay exactly the amount of IT, which they currently require. This gives them more flexibility with their IT planning and strategy – they can scale capacity up or down with changing business demands, respond to unpredictable spikes in demand, or roll out new technologies incrementally without large upfront capital costs. That creates scope for their way through the complex process of the digital transformation and makes it so much easier to tackle future challenges with ease.
A concrete example of the advantages of the Flexible Consumption Models is shown by the internationally renowned videogame-developer Splash Damage.
Our Flexible Consumption Models consist of the following parts:
DFS Flex on Demand for all Dell storage solutions lets you pay only for the storage capacity needed, which reduces costs associated with overprovisioning.
DFS Cloud Flex for HCI lets you experience a cloud-like consumption model with simple monthly payments, built-in price reductions over time, and no upfront costs or obligation after the first year.
PC as a Service and VDI Complete Solutions provides you with the most recent PC hardware, software and End-to-End services including deployment, management, security and support, for a single, predictable price per seat per month.
The Dell Technologies Transformational License Agreement (TLA), a highly customized software contract which offers unprecedented flexibility in the way software titles are consumed and maintained, especially as requirements change over time.
If you’d like to know more about this topic, I’d like to invite you to our upcoming Dell Forum-Events in Zurich (November 7th) and Lausanne (November 9th). More info on the events under the mantra of #REALIZE can be found here:
Dell Forum in Zurich // Dell Forum in Lausanne
At the Forums, besides rich exhibitions and interesting presentations on the Dell solutions, you will have the opportunity to network and meet with some of the most influential and forward-thinking experts of the Swiss IT.
The Dell Forum 2017 is your chance to speed up your digital transformation! And I’m very much looking forward to meeting you there.