Save Time and Resources with Server Automation

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Discover how built-in automation and intelligent systems management technology in the Dell PowerEdge server portfolio can help drive enterprise productivity.

Today’s IT departments face significant challenges on several fronts. They need to manage multiple workloads, respond quickly, and decrease downtime across both the IT infrastructure and the wider organization – while also making a positive contribution to the overall strategic direction of the business. Do your customers typically complain about these frustrations too?

It’s a demanding task list, of course, but not an impossible situation. The solution lies in the ability to implement successful server automation – because embracing IT automation generally increases performance while also creating business advantage.

Automating helps companies to take advantage of a more efficient data center. Which means that, with the right tools and processes in place, your customers can save time and crucial resources. When they’re not required to spend so much time on routine tasks, IT staff can take on more strategic activities that add value to the organization.

Server automation can help free up time and resources

It’s clear that making a smart, strategic investment to automate the server infrastructure and use intelligent systems management tools can help increase productivity.

In a new eBook¹, Dell states that server automation helps companies overcome common frustrations such as:

• Slow response time (only 30% of business users consider their IT to be distributed, agile and flexible);
• Inefficient management (nearly 70% of time is spent maintaining existing IT environments);
• Increasing downtime (up to 75% of downtime is caused by manual and disconnected IT processes);
• Customer retention (IDG predicts a 25% drop in customer retention in 2019 for those failing to incorporate automation into their roadmap);
• AI implementation (71% of organizations say inefficiencies due to lack of server automation are a challenge to their AI strategies).

Meeting all the needs for modern server infrastructure

Likewise, in its recently published analyst paper², Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) maintains that the three key components of successful IT automation are speed, security, and efficiency.

The report sets out 8 essential tips for implementing successful IT automation – and details how the Dell OpenManage systems management portfolio meets each of the 10 requirements for modern server infrastructure.

Share these two documents with your customers today and start talking about how the latest Dell PowerEdge servers³, featuring Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors and with built-in automation and intelligent system management can drive productivity in their business.

Download and share the key insights:

EMA analyst paper

Dell eBook

¹ Dell eBook, ‘How Server Automation Increases Performance and Creates Business Advantage’, 2018.

² Enterprise Management Associates white paper, ‘Automate IT Infrastructure for Speed, Security, and Efficiency – How the Dell Systems Management Portfolio Fits the Bill’, November 2018.

³ Not available in all countries – please contact your account manager for more information.

About the Author: Anna Belau

Anna is responsible for Global Channel Marketing server and networking campaigns, launches, lead generation and enablement programs. Anna has been with Dell for close to 4 years, leading programs supporting volume licensing enterprise software business and managing Intel relationship and partner funding for client business. Anna brings over 10 successful years working with channel community, driving integrated marketing campaigns and events. In her spare time Anna enjoys being active, loves spending free time with family and friends, and her secret hobby is knitting.
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