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Artikelnummer: 000021538

CTA: How to determine the serial number of an CTA.

Zusammenfassung: This KB article shows how to determine the correct serial number of a CTA.



How to determine the serial number of a CTA
  1. Connect to the CLI command line of the CTA.
  2. Execute the following command:      
Important: Keep in mind this command does not work on CTAHA, it does work on both CTA and CTAVE

rffm getEmcSerialNumber

cta:~ # rffm getEmcSerialNumber
EMC Serial Number : wcl414144141511

How to add the serial number
  1. Connect to the CLI command line of the CTA.
  2. Execute the following command:      
rffm setEmcSerialNumber <serial number>

cta:~ # rffm setEmcSerialNumber wc57641122234
See from the change above
cta:~ # rffm getEmcSerialNumber
EMC Serial Number : wc57641122234


Betroffenes Produkt

Cloud Tiering Appliance


Cloud Tiering Appliance, Cloud Tiering Appliance Platform, Cloud Tiering Appliance/VE

Letztes Veröffentlichungsdatum

20 Nov. 2020




How To