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How to Deploy SupportAssist to End User Systems with Local Administrator Rights

Zusammenfassung: This article describes how to deploy SupportAssist to end user systems without granting full administrator rights

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This article describes how to deploy SupportAssist to end user systems without granting full administrator rights

SupportAssist may generate an error message (Figure 1) on end user systems if the system has not been granted full admin rights.

SLN309676_en_US__1Windows Service Start Failure
(Figure 1 - English Only)

Administrators may not wish to grant full admin rights to end users, so the following steps should enable SupportAssist to function normally with restricted rights on end user systems:

  1.  Type Services in the start menu
  2. Right click on 'Services' and run as administrator
  3. Type in the administrator password
  4. Find and double-click the service "Dell SupportAssist Agent"
  5. Go to the Log On tab and instead of "Local System account" and click the radio button for "This account" and fill in the admin information

SupportAssist should now run with administrator rights without granting full admin rights to the system.


Letztes Veröffentlichungsdatum

21 Feb. 2021



