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Artikelnummer: 000188983

How to Run the Dell D2720DS Monitor Self Test

Zusammenfassung: Information about running the self-test on Dell D2720DS monitors.

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Monitor Self-Test

The D2720DS monitor has a self-test (burn-in mode) that helps you determine if any screen abnormality you experience is an inherent problem with your monitor, video cable, video card, drivers or computer.

Steps for running the self-test:

  1. Disconnect all video cables from the monitor and turn off your monitor.
  2. Press and hold button 5 (Figure 1), then press the power button to turn on the monitor.
    Dell D2720DS Monitor Button
    Figure 1

    The monitor will start the self-test (burn-in mode).
  3. Carefully inspect the screen for abnormalities as the displays turns to red, green, blue, black, and white automatically.
  4. Press the power button to exit the self-test.

If you do not detect any screen abnormalities while using the self-test tool, the monitor is functioning properly. Check your video cable, video card, drivers, and computer.

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Betroffenes Produkt

Dell D2720DS

Letztes Veröffentlichungsdatum

30 Juni 2021




How To