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Artikkelnummer: 000014028

NetWorker: How to disable password expiration for NetWorker accounts

Sammendrag: This KB provides an overview of how to disable the password expiration for NetWorker accounts. By default passwords are set to expire every 90 days.



NetWorker Authentication

The NetWorker user account passwords are stored in the NetWorker server's authentication (authc) service. Typically, the NetWorker server is its own authc server; however, if a single NetWorker Management Console (NMC) is managing several NetWorker servers, there is a primary authc server used for all authentication request.

On the NMC server, check the gstd.conf file for the authsvc_hostname.
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\Management\GST\etc\gstd.conf
  • Linux: /opt/lgtonmc/etc/gstd.conf
[root@nmcserver ~]# cat /opt/lgtonmc/etc/gstd.conf | grep hostname
    string authsvc_hostname = "nwserver-a1.emclab.local";

Disabling Password Expiration

1. On the NetWorker authentication server, open an admin or root command prompt.
2. Get the User ID of the user that you want to update: authc_mgmt -u administrator -e find-all-users
Note: You will be prompted to enter the NetWorker Administrator password after entering the command.
authc_mgmt -u administrator -e find-all-users
The query returns 5 records.
User Id User Name
1000 administrator
1001 svc_nmc_dpa-srv
1002 root
1003 NW9DPAAgent
1004 TestUser
3. Check the current options of the user: authc_mgmt -u administrator -e find-user-options -D user-options-user-id=####
authc_mgmt -u administrator -e find-user-options -D user-options-user-id=1004
Enter password:
User Options Id : 5
User Id : 1004
Must Change Password : false
Password Never Expires: false

4. Update the user account to set "Password Never Expires" to true: authc_mgmt -u administrator -e update-user-options -D user-options-user-id=#### -D user-options-password-never-expires="true"
authc_mgmt -u administrator -e update-user-options -D user-options-user-id=1004 -D user-options-password-never-expires="true"
Enter password:
User Options for User 1,004 are updated successfully.

5. Verify that the settings have changed: authc_mgmt -u administrator -e find-user-options -D user-options-user-id=####



Berørt produkt



NetWorker, NetWorker Series

Dato for siste publisering

29 mar. 2022




How To