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Dell Lifecycle Controller GUI v2.30.30.30 User's Guide

Miscellaneous settings

Menu Item Description
System Time Allows you to set the time on the system.
System Date Allows you to set the date on the system.
Asset Tag Displays the asset tag and allows you to modify it for security and tracking purposes.
Keyboard NumLock Allows you to set whether the system boots with the NumLock enabled or disabled. By default the Keyboard NumLock is set to On.
  • NOTE: This option does not apply to 84-key keyboards.
Report Keyboard Errors Allows you to set whether keyboard-related error messages are reported during system boot. By default, the Report Keyboard Errors option is set to Report.
F1/F2 Prompt on Error Allows you to enable or disable the F1/F2 prompt on error. By default, F1/F2 Prompt on Error is set to Enabled.
In-System Characterization This option enables or disables In-System Characterization. By default, In-System Characterization is set to Enabled.

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