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Alienware X51 Service Manual


Boot Options

Following are the devices that your computer can boot from:

Floppy — The computer attempts to boot from the floppy disk drive. If no operating system is on the drive, the computer generates an error message.

Hard Drive — The computer attempts to boot from the primary hard drive. If no operating system is on the drive, the computer generates an error message.

CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive — The computer attempts to boot from the optical drive. If no disc is in the drive, or if the disc is not bootable, the computer generates an error message.

USB Storage Device — Insert the memory device into a USB connector and restart the computer. When F12 Boot Options appear in the lower-right corner of the screen, press F12. The BIOS detects the device and adds the USB flash option to the boot menu.
  • NOTE: To boot to a USB device, the device must be bootable. To ensure that your device is bootable, check the device documentation.

Network — The computer attempts to boot from the network. If no operating system is found on the network, the computer generates an error message.

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