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Inspiron 5505 Service Manual

Installing the base cover


If you are replacing a component, remove the existing component before performing the installation procedure.

About this task

The figure indicates the location of the base cover and provides a visual representation of the installation procedure.

Image: Connecting the battery

Image: Placing the base cover on palm-rest and keyboard assembly

Image: Tightening the screws


  1. Adhere the tape and connect the battery cable to the system board, if applicable.
  2. Place the base cover over the palm-rest and keyboard assembly.
  3. Align the screw holes on the base cover with the screw holes on the palm-rest and keyboard assembly, and then snap the base cover into place.
  4. Tighten the two captive screws that secure the base cover to the palm-rest and keyboard assembly.
  5. Replace the seven screws (M2x4) that secure the base cover to the palm-rest and keyboard assembly.

Next steps

Follow the procedure in After working inside your computer.

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