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Inspiron 5505 Service Manual

Removing the display assembly


  1. Follow the procedure in Before working inside your computer.
  2. Remove the base cover.

About this task

The figure indicates the location of the display assembly and provides a visual representation of the removal procedure.

Image: Disconnecting the display cable and removing the hinge screws

Image: Lifting the palm-rest and keyboard assembly


  1. Peel off the tape that secures the display cable to the system board.
  2. Open the latch, and disconnect the display cable from the system board.
  3. Remove the screw (M2.5x3.5) and the two screws (M2.5x5) that secure the right display hinge to the system board.
  4. Remove the three screws (M2.5x5) that secure the left display hinge to the system board.
  5. Lift the palm-rest and keyboard assembly up to raise the display hinges.
  6. Slide the palm-rest and keyboard assembly carefully off the display assembly.
    NOTE To avoid damaging the display, do not slide the palm-rest and keyboard assembly over the display assembly.

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