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Dell Latitude 5401 Setup and specifications guide


Table 1. PerformanceThe table describes the performance options.
Multi Core Support

This field specifies whether the process has one or all cores enabled. The performance of some applications improves with the additional cores.

  • All—Default
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Intel SpeedStep

Allows you to enable or disable the Intel SpeedStep mode of processor.

  • Enable Intel SpeedStep

This option is set by default.

C-States Control

Allows you to enable or disable the additional processor sleep states.

  • C states

This option is set by default.

Intel TurboBoost

Allows you to enable or disable the Intel TurboBoost mode of the processor.

  • Enable Intel TurboBoost

This option is set by default.

Hyper-Thread Control

Allows you to enable or disable the HyperThreading in the processor.

  • Disabled
  • Enabled—Default

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