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Latitude 7490 Owner's Manual

Removing the display panel (nontouch)

NOTE The display panel removal procedure is applicable only for nontouch display configuration.
  1. Follow the procedure in Before working inside your computer.
  2. Remove the base cover.
  3. Disconnect the battery cable from the connector on the system board.
  4. Remove the WLAN card.
  5. Remove the WWAN card.
  6. Remove the display assembly.
  7. Remove the display bezel.
  8. Remove the hinge caps.
  9. To remove the display panel:
    1. Remove the two (M2.0 x 2.0) screws on the panel [1].
    2. Lift the bottom edge of the display panel [2].
      Removing the display panel
    3. Slide the display panel away from the system from the bottom [1], and flip the display panel over [2].
      Removing the display panel
    4. Peel off the display connector adhesive strip from the display panel [1].
    5. Peel off the mylar tape securing the display cable on the back of the display panel [2].
    6. Lift the metal tab and disconnect the display cable from the back of the display panel [3,4].
      Removing the display panel
    7. Remove the display panel.

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