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OpenManage Integration for Microsoft System Center Version 7.1.1 for System Center Configuration Manager and System Center Virtual Machine Manager User’s Guide

Assigning Operational Template for Modular Systems

Assign an Operational Template to a Modular System and run the Operational Template compliance. This operation compares the configuration of a Modular System and an Operational Template by assigning the selected template to a Modular System. After you assign an Operational Template, the compliance job runs and the compliance status is displayed on completion.

About this task

To assign an Operational Template for Modular Systems, perform the following steps:


  1. In OMIMSSC click Configuration and Deployment, and click Modular Systems View . Select the required Modular System and click Assign Operational Template . The Assign Operational Template page is displayed.
  2. Select the template from Operational Template drop-down menu, enter a job name, and then click Assign.

    If the device is compliant to the template, and then a green color box with a check mark is displayed.

    If the Operational Template is not applied successfully on the device or the hardware component in Operational Template is not selected, and then an information symbol box is displayed.

    • NOTE: The Operational Template compliance status excludes any changes that are made to user attributes.
    If the device is noncompliant to the template, and then a warning symbol box is displayed. Only if the device is noncompliant to assigned Operational Template, you can view a summary report by clicking the template name link. The Operational Template Compliance-Summary Report page displays a summary report of the differences between the template and device.
    To view a detailed report, perform the following steps:
    1. Click View Detailed Compliance. Here, the components with attribute values different from those of the assigned template are displayed. The colors indicate the different states of Operational Template compliance.
      • Yellow color warning symbol—non-compliance. represents that the configuration of the device does not match with the template values.
      • Red color box—represents that the component is not present on the device.

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