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Dell Precision 7740 Setup and specifications guide

Hot key definition

Table 1. Keyboard shortcut keysThis table gives you Keyboard shortcut keys description.
Hot keys Function
Fn+ESC - Fn Lock Allows the user to toggle between locked and unlocked Fn keys.
Fn+F1 - Audio Volume Mute

Temporarily mutes/unmutes the audio. The audio level before muting is returned after unmuting.

Fn+F2 – Audio Volume Down/Decrease Decreases the audio volume until minimum/off is reached.
Fn+F3 – Audio Volume Up/Increase Increases the audio volume until maximum is reached.
Fn+F4 – Microphone Mute
Silences the on-board microphone so it cannot record audio. There is an LED on the F4 function key that notifies the user of the state of this feature:
  • LED off = microphone capable of recording audio

  • LED on = microphone muted and unable to record audio

Fn+F6—Scroll lock Used as Scroll Lock key.
Fn+F8 – LCD and Projector display

Determines video output to LCD and external Video devices when attached and displays present.

Fn+F9 – Search Mimics the Windows key + F keystroke to open Windows Search dialog box.

Fn+F10 – KB Illumination/Backlight

Determines the Keyboard Illumination/Backlight brightness level. The hot key cycles through the following brightness states when pressed: Disabled, Dim, Bright. For more detail, see Keyboard Illumination/Backlight section.

Fn+F11 - Print screen It is used as Print Screen key
Fn+F12 - Insert It is used as Insert key
Fn+RightCtrl – Context Menu It is used as Context Menu key. (a.k.a. Right-Click menu)
Fn+Left Cursor—Home It is used as Home key.
Fn+Right Cursor – End It is used as End key.
Fn+B – Pause/Break It is used as Pause/Break key. Specifically, Fn+B = Pause and Fn+Ctrl+B = Break.
Fn+Arrow Key (Up) – Brightness Decrease

Decreases the stepping of LCD brightness for each press until minimum is reached. For details, see the LCD Brightness section.

Fn+Arrow Key (Down) – Brightness Increase

Increases the stepping of LCD brightness for each press until maximum is reached. For details, see the LCD Brightness section.

Fn+Home - Radio On/OffToggles all the radios on and off. For example, WLAN, WWAN, and Bluetooth.
Fn+End - SleepPuts the system into the ACPI S3 State and does not wake the system.

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