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Dell Lifecycle Controller Remote Services v2.30.30.30 Quick Start Guide

Job management

Lifecycle Controller allows you to create, schedule, track, and manage system management tasks that are referred to as jobs.

A single job or array of jobs can be run immediately or scheduled to run later. Multiple jobs are listed in the order of job execution sequence. If a system must reboot at the scheduled start time, a reboot job must be added to the job list.

Remote Services provides the following functions to manage Lifecycle Controller jobs:
  • Creating Jobs — Create specific types of jobs to apply configurations.
  • Scheduling Jobs and Job Queues — Run multiple jobs in a single restart of the system using the SetupJobQueue() method. If a job is created without setting the start time, use the SetupJobQueue() method to set the schedule and order of execution. The job is set up for execution at the time that was specified.
  • Deleting Jobs — Delete a specified existing job or all jobs at once.
  • Reporting all Jobs — Report all jobs using a single command.
  • Reporting scheduled Jobs — Generate a report of all scheduled jobs using a selection filter of JobStatus = Scheduled.

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