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Dell PowerVault MD 32XX/36XX Series Storage Arrays CLI Guide


Create Consistency Group Snapshot Image


This command creates a new snapshot image for each base virtual disk that is a member of a snapshot consistency group.


create cgSnapImage consistencyGroup="


Parameter Description
consistencyGroup The name of the consistency group for which you are creating snapshot images. Enclose the consistency group name in double quotation marks (" ").


You can use any combination of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores for the names. Names can have a maximum of 30 characters.

The command causes all pending I/O operations to each base virtual disk that is a member of the consistency group to be drained and suspended before creating the snapshot images. If the creation of all of the snapshot images cannot be completed successfully for all of the consistency group members, the operation fails and new snapshot images are not created.

Normally, all members of a snapshot consistency group will have the same number of snapshot images. When you add a new member to a snapshot consistency group, that new member lacks the snapshot images that were previously created on the established members of the snapshot consistency group. This is not an error condition. Requests for deletion or rollback of snapshot images that exist on only a subset of the snapshot consistency group members affects only those members for which the specified snapshot image actually exists.

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