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Dell PowerVault MD 32XX/36XX Series Storage Arrays CLI Guide


Creating Snapshot Images

Guidelines before creating a snapshot image:
  • If you attempt to create a snapshot image on a snapshot group and that snapshot group has reached its maximum number of snapshot images. The failBaseWrites or purgeSnapImages parameters used with the create snapGroup command allows you to choose to either fail the write attempt or automatically purge a specified number of older snapshot images.
    create snapGroup
                                           [repositoryFullPolicy=(failBaseWrites | purgeSnapImages) |
                                           rollbackPriority=(high | highest | medium | low | lowest)|
                                           percentValue |
  • If you attempt to create a snapshot image and either of the two conditions below are present, the creation might fail:
    • The base virtual disk that contains this snapshot image is a member of a Remote Replication group.
    • The base virtual disk is currently synchronizing. When synchronization is complete, the snapshot image creation will complete.

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