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Dell PowerVault MD 32XX/36XX Series Storage Arrays CLI Guide


Enable Disk Group Security


This command converts a non-secure disk group to a secure disk group.


enable diskGroup [
                                 diskGroupName] security


Parameter Description

The alphanumeric identifier (including - and _) of the disk group that you want to place in the Security Enabled state. Enclose the disk group identifier in square brackets ([ ]).

Additional Information

To successfully run this command, the following conditions must be met:
  • All physical disks in the disk group must be self-encrypting disk (SED) physical disks.
  • The Physical Disk Security premium feature must be enabled.
  • The storage array security key must be set.
  • The disk group must be Optimal, and not have snapshot virtual disks or repository virtual disks.

The RAID controller module firmware creates a lock that restricts access to the SED physical disks. SED physical disks have a state called Security Capable. When you create a security key, the state is set to Security Enabled, which restricts access to all SED physical disks that exist within the storage array.

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