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Dell PowerVault MD 32XX/36XX Series Storage Arrays CLI Guide


Exit Status

After you run a CLI command or a CLI and script command, status is displayed that indicates the success of the operation defined by the command. The status values are shown in the following table.
Table 1. Exit Status
Status Value Meaning
0 The command terminated without an error.
1 The command terminated with an error. Error information is also displayed.
2 The script file does not exist.
3 An error occurred while opening an output file.
4 A storage array is not at the specified address.
5 Addresses specify different storage arrays.
6 A storage array name does not exist for the host agent connected.
7 The storage array name was not at the specified address.
8 The storage array name was not in the configuration file.
10 A management class does not exist for the storage array.
11 A storage array was not found in the configuration file.
12 An internal error occurred.
13 Invalid script syntax was found.
14 The RAID controller module was unable to communicate with the storage array.
15 A duplicate argument was entered.
16 An execution error occurred.
17 A host was not at the specified address.
18 The World Wide Identifier (WWID) was not in the configuration file.
19 The WWID was not at the address.
20 An unknown IP address was specified.
21 The event monitor configuration file was corrupted.
22 The storage array was unable to communicate with the event monitor.
23 The RAID controller module was unable to write alert settings.
24 The wrong management station was specified.
25 The command was not available.
26 The device was not in the configuration file.
27 An error occurred while updating the configuration file.
28 An unknown host error occurred.
29 The sender contact information file was not found.
30 The sender contact information file could not be read.
31 The userdata.txt file exists.
32 An invalid -I value in the e-mail alert notification was specified.
33 An invalid -f value in the e-mail alert notification was specified.

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