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Dell PowerVault MD 32XX/36XX Series Storage Arrays CLI Guide


Show Current iSCSI Sessions


This command displays information about an iSCSI session for either an iSCSI initiator or iSCSI target.


When running from the command line, use:
show iscsiInitiator [\“
                                 initiatorName\”] iscsiSessions
                                 show iscsiTarget [\“
                                 targetName\”] iscsiSessions
When running from a script file, use:
show iscsiInitiator [“
                                 initiatorName”] iscsiSessions
                                 show iscsiTarget [“
                                 targetName”] iscsiSessions


Parameter Description
initiatorName The name of the iSCSI initiator for which session information is desired. Enclose the iSCSI initiator name in double quotation marks (“ ”). The name and quotation marks must also be enclosed in either square brackets ([ ]) or angle brackets (< >). If the name is longer than 30 characters, the angle brackets must be used.
targetName The name of the iSCSI target for which session information is desired. Enclose the iSCSI target name in double quotation marks (“ ”). The name and quotation marks must also be enclosed in either square brackets ([ ]) or angle brackets (< >). If the name is longer than 30 characters, the angle brackets must be used.
  • NOTE: This command can be entered without defining any arguments, i.e. show iscsiSessions.

    When the command is entered without arguments, the information displayed is for all active iSCSI sessions. To limit the information displayed, enter a specific iSCSI initiator or a specific iSCSI target. The command then displays only information about that particular iSCSI initiator or iSCSI target session.

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