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Dell Wyse Management Suite Version 3.0 Administrator's Guide

Registering devices by using DHCP option tags

You can register the devices by using the DHCP option tags.

Table 1. Registering device by using DHCP option tagsYou can register the devices by using the following DHCP option tags:

Option Tag



Data Type—String


Description—WMS Server FQDN

This tag points to the Wyse Management Suite server URL. For example,, where is fully qualified domain name of the server where Wyse Management Suite is installed.
NOTE: Do not use https://FQDN or FQDN:443 in the server URL, or the thin client will not register to Wyse Management Suite.


Data Type—String


Description—MQTT Server

This tag directs the device to the Wyse Management Suite Push Notification server (PNS). For a private cloud installation, the device gets directed to the MQTT service on the Wyse Management Suite server. For example,

To register your devices in Wyse Management Suite public cloud, the device should point to the PNS (MQTT) servers in public cloud. For example,

You must enter the MQTT server details when you configure Wyse Device Agent details in the older version of ThinOS and Windows Embedded devices. MQTT is a component of WMS which is required to notify the thin clients. The URLs—with and without MQTT details—must be added to the allowlist in the Wyse Management Suite public cloud environment.

NOTE: You cannot use the MQTT URLs to log in to Wyse Management Suite.

Name—CA Validation

Data Type—String


Description—Certificate Authority Validation

You can enable or disable CA validation option if you are registering your devices with Wyse Management Suite on private cloud. By default, the CA validation is enabled in the public cloud. You can disable the CA validation in the public cloud as well.

Enter True, if you have imported the SSL certificates from a well-known authority for https communication between the client and Wyse Management Suite server.

Enter False , if you have not imported the SSL certificates from a well-known authority for https communication between the client and Wyse Management Suite server.


Data Type—String


Description—Group Token

This tag is required to register the ThinOS devices with Wyse Management Suite on public or private cloud.

This tag is optional to register the Windows Embedded Standard or ThinLinux devices with Wyse Management Suite on private cloud. If the tag is not available, then the devices are automatically registered to the unmanaged group during on-premise installation.

NOTE: For detailed instructions on how to add DHCP option tags on the Windows server, see How do I create and configure DHCP option tags.

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