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Active System Manager Release 8.2 SDK Reference Guide


Content of an Application Module

An Application Module is typically a Puppet module plus one additional metadata file called asm_input.json. Technically, the minimal Application module could include only an asm_input.json file with nothing else, acting simply as a manifest or partial manifest. In that case, any required classes should already have been included in another application module or modules. Here is an example layout of the application module directory for the more typical case.
 my_module /
                                    |-- asm_input.json
                                    |-- files
                                    |-- Gemfile
                                    |-- manifests
                                    |   `-- init.pp
                                    |-- metadata.json
                                    |-- Rakefile
                                    |-- README.md
                                    `-- tests

Key files of interest are:

asm_input.json is a JSON file containing metadata describing the puppet classes and types that should be exposed in the ASM UI.

metadata.json is a JSON file containing metadata about the puppet module itself. It contains data such as `name`, `version`, `author`, and the version of Puppet the module is expected to function with, operating systems it supports, and ruby gems that it requires. A full description of this file can be found in the Puppet documentation.

  • NOTE: In fact, ASM does not require a `metadata.json` file at all, but if one is present and contains values for these fields, they can be omitted in the `asm_input.json` and the values from the `metadata.json` file is used.

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