• Jerry Seinfeld 身着西装的黑白照片,背后是中性背景。

    Dell Technologies World 2024

    Jerry Seinfeld 倾情表演


    • Jerry Seinfeld

      自 1981 年在 Johnny Carson 主持的《今夜秀》上首次登台以来,Jerry Seinfeld 的喜剧生涯蒸蒸日上。八年后,他与喜剧演员 Larry David 联合创作了情景喜剧《宋飞正传》,该剧成为电视史上最成功的喜剧系列。《宋飞正传》共九季,在 NBC 上播出后获奖无数,其中不乏艾美奖、金球奖、观众选择奖等大奖。此外,该剧还在 2009 年被《电视指南》评为有史以来最佳电视节目,后又于 2012 年在《60 分钟》/《名利场》的调查中获选为有史以来最好的情景喜剧。

      他新近获得艾美奖提名的 Netflix 剧目包括《宋飞之前是杰瑞》和《23 小时找乐子》,以及广受好评的网络剧集《谐星乘车买咖啡》。Seinfeld 出演、编剧并制作了两部电影(《喜剧演员》《蜜蜂总动员》),导演并制作了一部百老汇热门剧集(《科林·奎恩长话短说》),同时还是三本畅销书(《Is this Anything?》《Seinlanguage》和《The Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee Book》)以及一本儿童读物(《Halloween》)的作者。在即将上映的喜剧电影《无糖霜:早餐派的故事》中,他不仅特别出演,还是该片的导演、联合编剧和制作人。Seinfeld 将继续为国内和国际观众带来精彩。

    • Jerry Seinfeld

      Jerry Seinfeld’s comedy career took off after his first appearance on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson in 1981. Eight years later, he teamed up with fellow comedian Larry David to create what was to become the most successful comedy series in the history of television: Seinfeld. The show ran on NBC for nine seasons, winning numerous Emmy, Golden Globe and People’s Choice awards, and was named the greatest television show of all time in 2009 by TV Guide, and in 2012 was identified as the best sitcom ever in a 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll.

      His latest Emmy nominated Netflix projects include Jerry Before Seinfeld and 23 Hours to Kill along with the highly acclaimed web series, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. Seinfeld has also starred in, written, and produced movies (Comedian, Bee Movie), directed and produced a Broadway hit (Colin Quinn Long Story Short), and wrote three best-selling books (Is this Anything?, Seinlanguage, and The Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee Book) and a children’s book (Halloween). He will star in the upcoming comedy film, Unfrosted: The Pop-Tart Story, which he directed, co-wrote, and produced. Seinfeld continues to perform both nationally and internationally.

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