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Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Version 7.3 User's Guide

Adding Users To A Domain On Windows Operating Systems

  • NOTE: You must have Microsoft Active Directory installed on your system to perform the following procedures. See Using the Active Directory Login for more information about using Active Directory.
  1. Navigate to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers .
  2. In the console tree, right-click Users or right-click the container in which you want to add the new user, and then point to New > User .
  3. Type the appropriate user name information in the dialog box, and then click Next.
  4. Click Next , and then click Finish.
  5. Double-click the icon representing the user that you just created.
  6. Click the Member of tab.
  7. Click Add .
  8. Select the appropriate group and click Add.
  9. Click OK , and then click OK again.

    New users can log in to Dell OpenManage software with the user privileges for their assigned group and domain.

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