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Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Version 7.3 User's Guide

Command Log

  • NOTE: If the Command log displays invalid XML data (for example, when the XML data generated for the selection is not well formed), click Clear Log and then redisplay the log information.

Use the Command log to monitor all of the commands issued by Server Administrator users. The Command log tracks logins, logouts, systems management software initialization, shutdowns initiated by systems management software, and records the last time the log was cleared. The size of the command log file can be specified as per your requirement.

To access the Command log, click System, click the Logs tab, and click Command.

Information displayed in the Command log includes:

  • The date and time that the command was invoked
  • The user that is currently logged in to the Server Administrator home page or the CLI
  • A description of the command and its related values
  • NOTE: The log history may be required for future troubleshooting and diagnostic purposes. Therefore, it is recommended that you save the log files.

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