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Dell Wyse Windows 10 IoT Enterprise for Wyse 5060 Unified Build Release Notes


Tested peripherals

Table 1. Tested peripherals
Dell Pro Stereo Headset UC300
Dell USB Sound bar AC511
Dell 2.0 Speaker System AE215
Jabra Pro 935 MS Wireless headset (Mono)
Jabra Pro 930 MS Wireless headset
Logitech B525HD webcam
Dell Tray Load CD/DVD player(DW316)
Dell USB Wired Keyboard - KB216
Dell USB Wired Optical Mouse - MS116
Dell USB Wired Keyboard with Smart Card reader - KB813
Dell Wireless Mouse - WM326
Dell 24 Monitor - E2417H
Dell 23 Monitor- E2316H
Dell 22 Monitor - E2216H
Dell 20 Monitor - E2016H
Dell 20 Monitor - E2016
Dell 19 Monitor - E1916H
Dell 19 Monitor - E1916HV
Dell 27 Monitor - P2717H
Dell 24 Monitor - P2417H with stand
Dell 24 Monitor - P2417H without stand
Dell 23 Monitor - P2317H
Dell 22 Monitor - P2217H with stand
Dell 22 Monitor - P2217H without stand
Dell 22 Monitor - P2217
Dell 22 Monitor - P2217 without stand
Dell 20 Monitor - P2016
Dell 19 Monitor - P1917S
Dell 24 Monitor - U2415
Dell 25 Monitor- U2515H
Dell 27 Monitor - U2717D
Dell 27 Monitor - U2717DA
Dell 43 Monitor - P4317Q
Dell 24 Monitor - MR2416
Dell 27 monitor - P2715Q 4K2K (UHD) monitor
Dell 24 Monitor - P2415Q 4K2K (UHD) monitor
Dell 30 Monitor – UP3017
Power adapter + 3 foot power cord
Dell Mono Unmanaged Printer - E515dn
Dell Color Unmanaged Printer - E525w
Dell Color Managed Printer - S5840cdn
DP to HDMI converter
DP to DVI converter
DP to VGA converter

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