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Dell Precision Optimizer Owner's Manual

CPU & Graphics Intelligence

This page allows you to view the current processor and graphics sub-system utilizations. You can view the detail of your Processor and Graphics configurations. Figure displaying GPU usage.

To enable the collection and display of various processor or graphics data elements, please toggle the Charting button from Off to On.

Once charting is enabled for CPU data, the user interface will start CPU data collection and display it for all logical processors in the system. Similarly, when you enable Charting for Graphics sub-system, the user interface will start collection and display data for all GPUs found in the system. Figure displaying GPU graph.Figure displaying graph.

  • NOTE: The Graphics data collection is supported for Nvidia and ATI graphics adapters which are running the latest drivers. Furthermore, if you have Switchable Graphics enabled in the system BIOS, then running a graphics application may not actually run your task on Nvidia/ATI controller. Therefore, you may not see any change in your GPU utilizations.
  • NOTE: The Graphics data only displays the name and driver information for the first active graphics adapter found in the system. If you have more than one graphics adapter (but different models), only the name/driver/version of the first one is displayed. However, the performance data (utilization, temperature etc.) for all active adapters is shown by the user interface.


When this button (arrow pointing downward on the top right corner) is clicked, the widget that display the charts is undocked from the main user interface and hides the main user interface. This allows you to monitor the usage of your system while you run your task or workload. You can also resize the widget when it is undocked or move it around using the mouse left-click on the header bar.

CPU IntelligenceGraphics intelligence.


When this button (arrow pointing upward on the top right corner) is clicked, the widget is docked back to the main user interface and also displays the main user interface.

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